Display Computer Programming Codes using Html Elements

HTML has a unique formatting and text style to display for defining user input, mathematical expression, and computer programming-related code.

HTML <code> For Computer Programming Code

The HTML <code> element is used to define a fragment of computer programming code.

For instance, when including code written in HTML, JavaScript, Python, PHP, or any other programming language, the content within the <code> element is displayed using a monospaced font.

Example: Define some text as computer programming code

x = 5;
y = 6;
z = x + y;

Note that the element <code> doesn't maintain additional whitespace and line breaks. To correct this, inside a <pre> element you can insert the code element.

x = 5;
y = 6;
z = x + y;

HTML <var> For Variables

The HTML <var> (short for variable) element is used to define a variable name in a computer code or in a mathematical equation. Typically, the contents inside are shown in italic.

Example: Define some text as programming variables

<p>The area of a triangle is: 
1/2 x <var>b</var> x <var>h</var>,
where <var>b</var> is the base, and 
<var>h</var> is the vertical height.</p>

HTML <kbd> Element

The HTML <kbd> element is used to define keyboard input keys which indicates text to be entered by the user from keyboard. The content inside <kbd> element displayed as mono-space font.

Example: Define some text as keyboard input in the code

<p>Save the document by pressing <kbd>Ctrl + S</kbd></p>

HTML <samp> For Program Output

The HTML <samp> (short for sample) element is used to define sample results (only text-based output) from a computer program or computer scripts, etc. The content inside <samp> element displayed as mono-space font.

Example: Define some text as sample output from a computer program

<p>Message from my computer:</p>
<p><samp>File not found.<br />Press F1 to continue</samp></p>


What HTML tag is commonly used to mark computer code or programming code in HTML?

The <code> tag is commonly used to mark computer code or programming code in HTML. It is typically used to indicate a short inline code snippet or to surround a block of code.

How can you display inline code snippets within a sentence or paragraph using HTML tags?

To display an inline code snippet within a sentence or paragraph, you can use the <code> tag. Wrap the code snippet within the <code> tags, and the browser will typically render it in a monospaced font, distinguishing it from the surrounding text.

What HTML tag is used to display a block of code, such as a code snippet or a code example, in HTML?

The <pre> tag is commonly used to display a block of code in HTML. It is often used in conjunction with the <code> tag to indicate that the enclosed content is a code block.

What is the purpose of the <kbd> tag in HTML?

The <kbd> tag is used to indicate user input, typically representing keyboard input or commands. It is commonly used to highlight text that would be typed by a user on a keyboard or entered as a command.

How can you use the <var> tag to mark up variables or placeholders in HTML?

The <var> tag is used to mark up variables or placeholders in HTML. It signifies that the enclosed content represents a variable, an expression, or a placeholder value. It helps distinguish variables from regular text and adds semantic meaning to the markup.

What is the significance of the <code> tag in HTML and how is it different from the <pre> tag?

The <code> tag is used to mark up a section of code or programming instructions within an HTML document. It represents computer code and is typically used for inline code snippets. Unlike the <pre> tag, which is used for displaying preformatted text or code blocks, the <code> tag is used within the flow of the text and does not preserve whitespace or line breaks.

How can you indicate sample or example output using the <samp> tag in HTML?

The <samp> tag is used to indicate sample or example output in HTML. It is typically used to represent the output of a computer program or a sample result. The content within the <samp> tag is typically displayed in a monospaced font to differentiate it from the surrounding text.


HTML tags such as <kbd>, <var>, <code>, and <samp> serve important purposes in marking up and formatting content related to computer code, user input, and sample output. These tags enhance the semantic structure of HTML documents, provide visual cues, and improve accessibility for both human readers and assistive technologies. Proper usage of these tags helps convey meaning, distinguish variables and code snippets, and create a more engaging and accessible experience for users interacting with HTML content.