Html Plugins: How to Embed External Content using Object Element

This tutorial covers, how to embed external content in a html page using <object> element.

Html Plugins: The <object> Element

All browsers recognise the <object> element.

The <object> element is a versatile element that allows you to embed different types of external content, including images, videos, audio files, and even entire web pages. It supports various media types and can provide fallback content in case the embedded content cannot be displayed.

It is mainly intended for the inclusion of documents in web pages, such as Java applets, PDF readers and Flash Player. But it can also be used for the purpose of HTML documents or text files. The basic syntax of the <object> element is as follows:

<object data="URL" type="MIME_type">
  <!-- Fallback content in case the resource cannot be displayed -->
  Fallback Content

Let's break down the attributes:

  • data: This attribute specifies the URL of the resource to be embedded. It can be an absolute URL or a relative URL to the current document.
  • type: This attribute indicates the MIME type of the embedded resource. It helps browsers understand how to handle and display the content correctly.
  • Fallback Content: This is the content that will be displayed if the browser cannot render the embedded resource. It is essential to provide fallback content to ensure accessibility and compatibility.

Here is an examples for different types of content:

<h2>Read an HTML page</h2>
<object data="sample.htm" width="500px" height="350px"></object>

<h2>Display an SVG image</h2>
<object data="" alt="Wikipedia"></object>

<h2>Embed an Youtube Video</h2>
<object width="320" height="240" data=""></object>

Benefits and Usecases

  • Media Embedding: The <object> element is commonly used for embedding media files such as audio and video. By specifying the URL to the media file in the data attribute and setting the appropriate MIME type in the type attribute, developers can seamlessly include audio and video content on their web pages.
  • Interactive Content: With the <object> element, developers can embed interactive elements like maps, charts, and Flash content (SWF) into their web pages. This enables the creation of dynamic and engaging content for users.
  • Document Embedding: You can use the <object> element to embed PDF files or other documents. Users can then view or download the document directly from the web page, making it a valuable tool for sharing information.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: The <object> element provides better cross-browser compatibility compared to some older methods like <embed> or <iframe>. It offers a more consistent way to embed external resources that work across various browsers.
Implementing HTML object element allows for efficient object embedding and multimedia integration, enabling seamless content integration by including external resources and specifying the appropriate MIME type for optimal search engine optimization; ensuring cross-browser compatibility and responsive rendering, with fallback content implemented to support various platforms and plugins.

HTML iFrame vs Object Element

Both <iframe> and <object> are HTML elements used to embed content within a web page, but they have different purposes and use cases.

The iFrame Element

The <iframe> (inline frame) element is primarily used to embed a separate HTML document or web page within the current web page. It is commonly used to display external content, such as another website, a video, a map, or any other web-based content.


  • Provides a straightforward and easy way to embed external content.
  • Allows you to display dynamic content from other sources.
  • The content within the iframe is isolated from the parent page, which can prevent conflicts between scripts and styles.


  • May cause security risks if the content within the iframe is not trusted, as it can potentially execute malicious scripts from the external source.
  • May impact the performance of the page, especially if the embedded content is heavy or takes a long time to load.

The Object Element

The <object> element is used to embed multimedia content, such as images, audio, video, or other external resources, into an HTML document. It is commonly used to include multimedia files that require plugins, like Flash animations or audio/video files, which may not be natively supported by all browsers.


  • Provides a fallback mechanism where you can specify alternative content (e.g., text or an image) in case the browser doesn't support the embedded object.
  • Allows you to set specific properties and parameters for the embedded content, such as dimensions, type, or alternative text.


  • Requires additional markup and attribute settings compared to the <iframe>.
  • May not be as suitable for embedding entire web pages or documents as the <iframe>.


What is the purpose of the <object> element in HTML?

The <object> element is used to embed external resources, such as images, audio, video, or other HTML documents, into an HTML document. It provides a way to include content from different sources within a web page.

How do you specify the source file for an object in HTML?

You can specify the source file for an object in HTML by using the data attribute. The data attribute contains the URL or file path of the external resource that you want to embed. For example: <object data="example.pdf"></object>.

What are the different attributes that can be used with the <object> element?

Some of the commonly used attributes with the <object> element include data, type, width, height, name, usemap, <form>, class, id, and more. These attributes allow you to control various aspects of the embedded object, such as its dimensions, content type, and behavior.

How do you specify alternative content for browsers that do not support the <object> element?

You can specify alternative content for browsers that do not support the <object> element by placing the alternative content within the <object> element itself. Browsers that do not support the <object> element will ignore it and display the alternative content instead.

What is the difference between the <object> element and the <embed> element in HTML?

While both the <object> and <embed> elements are used for embedding external content, they have some differences. The <object> element allows for more flexibility and customization options, as it can contain fallback content and parameters. On the other hand, the <embed> element is simpler and more straightforward, primarily used for embedding media content like audio or video.

How can you specify the dimensions (width and height) of an object in HTML?

You can specify the dimensions (width and height) of an object in HTML by using the width and height attributes with the <object> element. These attributes accept values in pixels or percentages. For example: <object data="test.swf" width="400" height="300"> </object>.

What is the purpose of the type attribute in the <object> element?

The type attribute in the <object> element is used to specify the MIME type of the embedded content. It helps the browser determine how to handle and display the content appropriately. The type attribute value can be a valid MIME type, such as image/jpeg for JPEG images or video/mp4 for MP4 videos.

How do you specify parameters for an embedded application using the <object> element?

To specify parameters for an embedded application using the <object> element, you can include <param> elements within the <object> element. Each <param> element defines a specific parameter for the embedded application. The parameters can be used to pass additional information or settings to the embedded content, such as the URL of an XML configuration file or specific initialization values.

Can you nest an <object> element inside another <object> element?

No, you cannot nest an <object> element inside another <object> element. Nesting <object> elements is not valid HTML syntax and can cause rendering issues or unexpected behavior in different browsers.

How does the type attribute in the <object> element help browsers determine how to handle the embedded content?

The type attribute specifies the MIME type of the embedded content, allowing browsers to understand the content type and choose an appropriate method for handling and rendering it. By including the type attribute, browsers can determine whether they have the necessary plugins or applications to display or process the content.

What are some common MIME types used in the type attribute for different types of content, such as images, audio, and video?

Common MIME types used in the type attribute include image/jpeg for JPEG images, audio/mp3 for MP3 audio files, video/mp4 for MP4 videos, application/pdf for PDF documents, and text/html for HTML files. There are numerous other MIME types available for various content formats.

Is it necessary to include the type attribute when embedding HTML documents within the <object> element?

When embedding HTML documents within the <object> element, it is not necessary to include the type attribute. Browsers can infer the content type as text/html for HTML files by default. However, it is still considered good practice to include the type attribute for clarity and consistency.

How does the type attribute affect the behavior of plugins or external applications used for rendering the embedded content?

The type attribute influences the behavior of plugins or external applications by providing information about the expected content type. Plugins or applications can use this information to determine whether they are capable of handling the content and apply appropriate processing or rendering mechanisms accordingly.


The HTML <object> element is a versatile tool for embedding external resources and documents within an HTML page. It supports a wide range of content types, including images, videos, audio files, documents, SVG images, WebGL applications, and more. By specifying the data attribute, developers can provide the URL or location of the embedded content, allowing the browser to load and display it within the object element. The <object> element also provides the ability to include fallback content, ensuring that users receive meaningful information even if the embedded content cannot be rendered or displayed. The dimensions of the embedded content can be controlled using the width and height attributes, offering flexibility in designing the layout.