Working with Html Text Formatting or Styling Elements

You will discover how to utilize Html code to format the text on web sites in this article.

Formatting Text with HTML

HTML offers a number of tags that can be use to modify the appearance of some message on your web sites. For instance, you can utilize the tags <b> to make the content bold, <i> to make the content italic, <mark> to highlight the content, <code> to show a section of software code, <ins> and <del> to indicate editorial entries and removals, and more use.

The most popular formatting tags are displayed in practice in the given instance. Let's check this out now to see how these tags actually function.

<p>Bold line <b>Beautyful Morning</b>.</p>
    <p>Italic line <i>Beautyful Morning</i>.</p>
    <p>Underline <u>Beautyful Morning</u>.</p>
    <p>Emaphasized line <em>Beautyful Morning</em>.</p>
    <p>Strong line <strong>Beautyful Morning</strong>.</p>
    <p>Highlighted line <mark>Beautyful Morning</mark>.</p>
    <p>Small line <small>Beautyful Morning</small>.</p>
    <p>Inserted line <ins>Beautyful Morning</ins>.</p>    
    <p>Deleted line <del>Beautyful Morning</del>.</p>
    <p>Subscript Text H<sub>2</sub>O.</p>
    <p>Superscript Text 3<sup>2</sup>.</p>

In most cases, the <strong> tag is displayed by the browser as bold (<b>), and the <em> tag is displayed as italics (<i>). However, it's essential to note that these tags have distinct meanings and purposes, despite their similar rendering.

Difference between <strong> and <b> tag

Both the <strong> and <b> tags have the default rendering of text in a bold typeface. However, they carry different semantic meanings. The <strong> tag indicates that its enclosed content has strong importance, while the <b> tag is simply used to draw attention without implying any special significance.

<p><strong>This text is important!</strong></p> 
<p>This liquid is <strong>highly toxic</strong>.</p>
<p>I am from <b>paris</b></p>

The <b> element in HTML is used to visually highlight text in bold, but it does not attribute any additional importance or meaning to the content, such as a keyword or a place name. Its primary purpose is to attract the reader's attention without conveying any specific semantic importance.

On the other hand, the <strong> tag is employed to define highly important content in a document. Typically, the content within the <strong> tag is displayed in bold, emphasizing its significance beyond just the visual presentation. This tag is meant to convey that the enclosed text holds particular importance or weight within the context of the content.

Difference between <em> and <i> tag

Similarly, the <em> and <i> tags both render the enclosed text in italic type by default. However, they convey different semantic meanings. The <em> tag indicates that its contents have stressed emphasis compared to the surrounding text, while the <i> tag is used to set off text for readability purposes, such as technical terms, idiomatic phrases, thoughts, etc.

<p>This <i>text is italic</i></p>
<p>I am <em>glad</em> you weren't <em>late</em>.</p>

The <i> element in HTML displays a part of the text in an italic format, and certain software, like screen readers, may read the text in a different tone of voice. The <i> tag is often employed to indicate a technical keyword, a phrase, a quote, the name of an object, or similar elements.

On the other hand, the <em> tag in HTML indicates a more stressed emphasis on its contents when compared to the text around it. Screen readers will pronounce the words or text within the <em> tag with an emphasis, highlighting its importance or significance.

Note: Utilize the <em> and <strong> tags in situations where your page's content necessitates specific words or phrases to be strongly emphasized or highlighted as important. Furthermore, it's worth noting that in HTML5, the <b> and <i> tags have undergone redefinition, as previously they lacked any inherent semantic meaning.

Html <small> and <mark> tags

The HTML <small> element is used to define content that is not considered crucial to the main context of the page. When rendered by the browser, the content within the <small> tag appears in a smaller font size. Examples of content that could be enclosed within this tag include copyright statements, licensing information, disclaimers, and other similar non-essential text.

The HTML <mark> element is utilized to designate text that should be highlighted due to its significance in another context. When the browser renders the content within the <mark> tag, it visually stands out from the surrounding text, drawing attention to its importance in the given context.

<p>This is some <small>smaller text.</small></p>
<p>Do not forget to buy <mark>milk</mark> today.</p>

Html <del> and <insert> tags

The HTML <del> tag, also known as the deleted text tag, is used to indicate text that has been removed from a page or document. When displayed by browsers, the deleted text is typically rendered with a line through it, making it visually distinguishable from the surrounding content.

The HTML <ins> tag, known as the inserted text tag, is employed to represent newly added text within a document. When rendered by browsers, the inserted text is usually underlined, helping it stand out from the rest of the text in the document. This makes it easy for readers to identify the recently added content.

<p>My favorite color is <del>Green</del> dark blue.</p>
<p>My favorite color is <del>yellow</del> <ins>rose</ins>.</p>

Html <sub> and <sup> tags

The HTML <sub> element is utilized to indicate subscript text, which is displayed in a smaller font and appears under the normal text line, offset by half a character.

The HTML <sup> tag is used to represent superscript text, which also appears in a smaller font but is positioned above the normal text line, offset by half a character.

Both <sub> and <sup> tags find applications in various contexts, such as chemical formulas, footnotes, mathematical equations, and other instances where subscript or superscript notation is required for better representation and readability.

<p>This is H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
<p>My parents wedding day is 
on the 12<sup>th</sup> of June 2005.</p>


What are HTML text formatting tags, and how do they enhance the presentation of text content on webpages?

HTML text formatting tags are used to apply various visual styles to text content, such as making text bold, italic, underlined, or striking through. These tags help emphasize and structure content, improving readability and user experience.

<p>This is <strong>bold</strong> text.</p>
<p>This is <em>italic</em> text.</p>
<p>This is <u>underlined</u> text.</p>
<p>This is <s>struck-through</s> text.</p>

Can you use CSS to style text formatting tags differently from their default appearance?

Yes, you can use CSS to style text formatting tags, such as <strong>, <em>, <u>, and <s>, by targeting their respective elements. This allows you to customize font styles, colors, and other visual properties.

/* Style strong text */
strong {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: blue;

/* Style emphasized text */
em {
  font-style: italic;
  color: green;

/* Style underlined text */
u {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: red;

<p>This is a <strong>strong</strong> text example.</p>
  <p>This is an <em>emphasized</em> text example.</p>
  <p>This is a <u>underlined</u> text example.</p>

How do text formatting tags affect the accessibility of a webpage?

Text formatting tags, when used appropriately, enhance accessibility by providing visual cues to assistive technologies. For example, screen readers may announce formatting changes, helping users understand the emphasis and structure of the content.

Can you combine multiple text formatting tags within a single element? Can text formatting tags be nested within each other?

Yes, you can combine or nest multiple text formatting tags within a single element to apply different styles simultaneously.

<p>This is <strong><em>bold and italic</em></strong> text.</p>

Are text formatting tags used solely for styling purposes, or do they have semantic meaning as well?

Text formatting tags have both styling and semantic significance. For instance, the <strong> tag indicates strong importance, while the <em> tag indicates emphasis. Proper use of these tags improves both visual styling and the semantic meaning of the content.

Can you use text formatting tags within different types of HTML elements, like headings or paragraphs?

Yes, you can use text formatting tags within different types of HTML elements, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and more.

<h2>This is a <strong>bold</strong> heading.</h2>
<p>This is an <em>italic</em> paragraph.</p>
<li><u>Underlined</u> list item</li>

Are there any text formatting tags that are not recommended to be used due to deprecated status or accessibility concerns?

The <b> tag is often not recommended for use due to its purely visual nature. Instead, prefer using the <strong> tag for emphasis. Also, the <u> tag (for underlining) may be avoided because underlined text is often associated with links, leading to confusion for users.

What is the difference between the <strong> and <b> tags in HTML?

The <strong> tag is used to represent text that is of strong importance or relevance, often implying a higher degree of emphasis. It carries semantic weight and is recommended for emphasizing important content. On the other hand, the <b> tag is used for bold formatting without any specific semantic meaning. Both tags make the text bold, but <strong> has a stronger semantic impact.

When should you use the <i> tag in HTML?

The <i> tag is used to represent text in italic style, indicating a change in voice or tone within a document. It is commonly used for titles of books, foreign words, or expressions. However, it does not carry any inherent semantic meaning and should not be used for emphasizing important content.

What is the purpose of the <em> tag in HTML?

The <em> tag is used to emphasize text, typically rendered in italic style. It indicates that the enclosed text has semantic importance, such as emphasizing a phrase or word for emphasis or for conveying a different tone or mood. The use of <em> conveys meaning and helps in understanding the context of the emphasized text.

Can you nest the <strong> tag inside the <em> tag?

Yes, you can nest the <strong> tag inside the <em> tag. This allows for the combined effect of italicized and bold text, creating a stronger emphasis on the enclosed content. However, it is important to use nested tags judiciously and maintain semantic integrity.

What is the purpose of the <sup> tag in HTML and how is it different from the <sub> tag?

The <sup> tag is used to create superscript text in HTML. By enclosing text within the <sup> tags, it is rendered at a higher position and smaller size compared to the surrounding text. Superscript text is commonly used for mathematical exponents, footnotes, or citations. The main difference from the <sub> tag is that <sup> raises the text position, while <sub> lowers it.

How can you indicate deleted text using the <del> tag in HTML?

The <del> tag is used to represent deleted or removed text within a document. By enclosing the deleted text within the <del> tags, it is typically rendered with a strike-through line, indicating that it is no longer part of the content. This can be used, for example, to show revisions in a document or to display content that has been removed.

What is the significance of the <ins> tag in HTML and how does it differ from the <del> tag?

The <ins> tag is used to represent inserted or added text within a document. By enclosing the inserted text within the <ins> tags, it is typically rendered with an underline by default, indicating that it is new or added content. The <ins> tag is often used in conjunction with the <del> tag to show edited or revised text. While the <del> tag indicates deleted text, the <ins> tag indicates inserted text.

How can you highlight specific text using the <mark> tag in HTML?

The <mark> tag is used to highlight or mark specific text within a document. By enclosing the text within the <mark> tags, it is typically rendered with a yellow background color by default, indicating that it is an important or significant portion of the content. The <mark> tag is useful for drawing attention to specific words or phrases.

<p>This is an example of <mark>highlighted</mark> text.</p>

Can you nest the <sub> or <sup> tags inside other HTML tags?

Yes, you can nest the <sub> or <sup> tags inside other HTML tags. This allows for more precise control over the positioning and formatting of subscript or superscript text within the context of other elements. For example, you can nest <sub> or <sup> tags inside headings, paragraphs, or list items.

How can you style the text within the <del> or <ins> tags using CSS?

You can style the text within the <del> or <ins> tags using CSS by targeting the tags or their class or ID. Using CSS properties like text-decoration for strike-through or underline, or properties for font color, background color, or font size, you can customize the appearance of the deleted or inserted text to match your desired styling.

/* Style deleted text */
del {
  color: red;             /* Change text color */
  text-decoration: line-through; /* Add a line-through decoration */

/* Style inserted text */
ins {
  color: green;           /* Change text color */
  text-decoration: underline;   /* Add an underline decoration */

<p>This is the <del>old</del> version of the text.</p>
<p>This is the <ins>new</ins> version of the text.</p>

What are some use cases for the <small> tag in HTML?

The <small> tag is commonly used for indicating small or less prominent text in HTML. Some use cases for the <small> tag include displaying legal disclaimers, copyright information, abbreviations, footnotes, or fine print. It helps to differentiate the smaller text from the main content and gives it visual significance.

How can the <small> tag be used to render text in a smaller font size?

The <small> tag is used to render text in a smaller font size. It's often used for disclaimers, legal notices, copyright information, or fine print.

<p>This text contains some <small>smaller font size</small> text.</p>


HTML formatting offers endless possibilities to enhance your text. HTML formatting allows for visually impactful content creation using tags like strong, bold, italics, and others, you can add emphasis, style, and creative effects to your text. It emphasizes key points, conveys tone, and highlights important information, making your text engaging and memorable. So, take advantage of HTML's formatting capabilities and elevate the impact of your text content.