jQuery Ajax

This tutorial will provide you with an understanding of what Ajax is and how it functions.

What is Ajax

Ajax is an abbreviation for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the retrieval of data from a web server to a web browser without requiring a full page reload.

Essentially, Ajax harnesses the power of the JavaScript-based XMLHttpRequest object to perform background data exchange with a web server, asynchronously. This means that the data can be sent to and received from the server without disrupting the user's browsing experience.

Ajax has gained widespread popularity and is commonly integrated into numerous web applications. Prominent examples of large-scale applications that rely on Ajax include Gmail, Google Maps, Google Docs, YouTube, Facebook, Flickr, among others.

Note: It's worth noting that Ajax isn't a novel technology, nor is it precisely a technology itself. Instead, it is a term used to describe the process of asynchronously exchanging data with a web server using JavaScript, all without necessitating a page refresh.

Ajax with jQuery

Various web browsers implement Ajax differently, which means that when using the traditional JavaScript approach to implement Ajax, you often need to write distinct code for different browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

However, the good news is that jQuery simplifies the Ajax implementation process by addressing these browser discrepancies. It provides straightforward methods like load(), $.get(), and $.post() that seamlessly handle Ajax across all browsers.

In the upcoming sections, you will gain insights into how to retrieve data from a server and send/receive data using HTTP GET and POST methods through jQuery's Ajax capabilities.

jQuery provides a range of Ajax-related functions and methods, making it easier for developers to perform tasks such as:

  1. Making HTTP Requests: You can use jQuery to initiate HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to fetch data from a server or send data to a server.

  2. Handling Responses: jQuery simplifies the process of handling responses from the server, whether they are in JSON, HTML, XML, or other formats. You can define callback functions to process the data received from the server.

  3. Managing Asynchronous Operations: Ajax operations are asynchronous, which means that they do not block the main thread of execution. jQuery provides mechanisms to handle asynchronous operations, such as using callbacks or promises (with $.Deferred).

  4. Cross-Origin Requests: jQuery helps in dealing with cross-origin requests and supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to enable secure communication with servers on different domains.

  5. Error Handling: You can define error-handling functions to manage errors that may occur during the Ajax request.

Tip: Ajax requests are initiated by JavaScript code. Your code sends a request to a specific URL, and once the request is completed, a callback function can be triggered to manage the response. Importantly, since the request operates asynchronously, the rest of your code continues executing while the request is being processed.

List of jQuery Ajax Methods

jQuery provides several methods for making asynchronous HTTP requests (AJAX requests) and working with the server's response. Here's a list of some of the commonly used jQuery AJAX methods:

  1. $.ajax(): The core method for creating an AJAX request. It provides full control over the request and response, allowing you to configure various options like request type, data, headers, and callbacks.
  2. $.get(): Used for making GET requests to the server. It simplifies the process of sending a GET request and handling the response.
  3. $.post(): Used for making POST requests to the server. It simplifies the process of sending data to the server and handling the response.
  4. $.getJSON(): Specifically designed for making GET requests and expecting JSON responses. It parses the JSON response automatically.
  5. $.getScript(): Used for loading and executing external JavaScript files asynchronously.
  6. $.load(): Loads HTML content from a server and inserts it into the selected element on the page.
  7. $.ajaxSetup(): Allows you to set default values for AJAX requests. These values will be used for all subsequent AJAX requests, simplifying the process of configuring AJAX options.
  8. $.ajaxPrefilter(): Provides a way to manipulate AJAX settings before the request is made. Useful for setting default values or modifying options on the fly.

These jQuery AJAX methods make it easier to send and receive data from the server, making web applications more dynamic and responsive. You can choose the appropriate method based on the type of request you need to make and how you want to handle the response.


What is jQuery Ajax?

jQuery Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of techniques and methods provided by the jQuery library to perform asynchronous HTTP requests, retrieve data from a server, and update parts of a web page without requiring a full page reload. It allows you to communicate with a server in the background, exchange data, and handle responses without disrupting the user experience.

How does jQuery Ajax handle asynchronous requests?

jQuery Ajax uses the XMLHttpRequest object or the newer Fetch API to handle asynchronous requests. When a request is made, the browser sends it to the server in the background. While waiting for the response, the JavaScript execution continues, allowing the user to interact with the page. Once the response is received, the specified success or error callback functions are executed.

Can you explain the shorthand methods for common HTTP methods in jQuery Ajax?

jQuery provides shorthand methods for common HTTP methods. For example:

  • $.get(url, data, success): Sends a GET request.
  • $.post(url, data, success): Sends a POST request.
  • $.ajax(url, settings): Allows customization of the request using a settings object.

These shorthand methods simplify the process of making specific types of requests.

How can you handle cross-origin requests (CORS) with jQuery Ajax?

Cross-origin requests (requests to a different domain) can be made using jQuery Ajax, but they may be subject to the same-origin policy. To handle CORS, the server needs to include appropriate CORS headers allowing the client-side script to make requests. These headers include Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, and others. Without these headers, the browser may block the request.


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, grasping the jQuery AJAX Basics has become fundamental for data-driven applications. The art of Data Exchange is an indispensable component, empowering web developers to establish seamless connections between clients and servers.

Initiating AJAX has opened new avenues for asynchronous data transfer, revolutionizing how web applications interact with external resources. The mastery of Asynchronous Data Transfer techniques ensures real-time data updates and dynamic user experiences.

Navigating the complexities of Data Interaction, developers can orchestrate elegant solutions to meet the demands of modern web applications. The proficiency in Data Fetching Abilities empowers web applications to access remote data efficiently.

Moreover, Asynchronous Data Handling has become second nature, allowing developers to manage data retrieval and submission with grace. The nuanced techniques of Remote Data Handling facilitate smooth integration of external data sources, enriching web applications with dynamic content.

The toolkit of Data Retrieval Techniques equips developers with the finesse to retrieve data from diverse sources, ensuring comprehensive data access. The world of web development is ushering in a new era of Asynchronous Data Exchange, creating interactive and responsive user experiences.