Python Booleans

Python Booleans

Booleans have two possible values which is, True or False.

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Boolean Values

It's common in programming to need to know whether an expression is True or False.

In Python, you can evaluate a certain expression and receive one of two results: True or False.

Example 1 :- Compare two values by evaluating the expression and by returning the boolean answer to Python :

print(10 > 9)
print(10 == 9)
print(10 < 9)

Output :-


Python will return True or False if you have a condition in a statement if :

Example 2 :- Depending on whether the condition is True or False, print the following message :

a = 200
b = 33
if b > a:
  print("b is greater than a")
  print("b is not greater than a")

Output :-

b is not greater than a

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Evaluate Values and Variables

You can evaluate any value by using the bool() function and return True or False.

Example 1 :- Evaluate a string and a number :


Output :-


Example 2 :- Evaluate two variables :

x = "Hello"
y = 15

Output :-


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Most Values are True

If you have some sort of content, almost every value is evaluated to True.

Every string, except empty strings, is True.

Any number is True, except 0.

Except for empty lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries, all are True.

Example :- The following will return True :

print(bool(["apple", "cherry", "banana"]))

Output :-


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Some Values are False

In fact, with the exclusion of empty values (for instance (), [], {}, "" number 0 and value None), False does not value many values. And False value is of course False value.

Example 1 :- The following will return False :


Output :-


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Functions can Return a Boolean

The functions you can create can return a boolean value :

Example 1 :- Print the answer of a function :

def myFunction() :
  return True

Output :-


You can run code based on a function's Boolean result :

Python has also many incorporated functions, such as the isinstance() function, that can be employed to determine if an object is of a certain type of data :

Example 2 :- Check if an object is an integer or not :

x = 200
print(isinstance(x, int))

Output :-


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