One of the most common processes in a database is data conversion.

This is why there are functions accessible for this particular task.

Both MySQL CAST and MySQL CONVERT allow you to modify the data type in your database.

With a few exceptions, their functioning is fairly similar. To help you determine which one to choose, here's a comparison of MySQL CAST vs CONVERT.

SQL CAST Function

You can use MySQL CAST to cast data from one data type to another. Here's a link to our MySQL CAST article.

CAST is also the more portable of the two functions. As a result, numerous databases can use the CAST function.

Let's some examples of CAST function to convert the DATETIME data type to VARCHAR and VARCHAR data type to SMALLINT data type in SQL Server:

Example: Casting Floating to int

Converting float datatyoe to int datatype using below query

--Mysql, Sql
SELECT CAST(89.67 AS int ) AS 'Cast Datatype';

Output: The output will be

Cast Datatype


You can also use MySQL CONVERT to convert data from one data type to another.

The format of the data can also be formatted with CONVERT.

Now, let's try to convert the same values using the Convert function in SQL Server:

Example: Converting float datatype to int datatype using below query.

SELECT CONVERT(int ,89.97) As 'Convert Datatype';

In above query we conver 89.97 float number in to int datatype

Output: The chaged datatype output of above query is

Conver Datatype

Convert function is mainly used to convert Date to VARCHAR value into different date formats as shown here.


There are 10 main contrasts in cast & convert function

The CAST function in Microsoft SQL Server allows a user to modify a data type and convert it to another if necessary. The CONVERT functions in Microsoft SQL Server allow a user to modify a data type and convert it to another if necessary.
CAST is an ANSI standard function that can be used on a variety of database platforms. CONVERT is a SQL server-specific function.
The CAST function is incapable of performing to set date foramt parameters. Here, the CONVERT function can be used to set date format parameters.
A cast function can transform a data type to another data type without requiring any special formatting. The CONVERT function can be used to format data, particularly dates and times, data types, and money/data types.
CAST(expression AS type [(length)]): expression is the value you want to convert, type is the data type into which you want to convert it, and length is an optional term that refers to the length of the resulting data type for char, varchar, binary, and varbinary. CONVERT (expression AS type [(length)]): Here, expression is the value to be converted, type denotes the data type to be converted to, and length is an optional term that denotes the length of the final data type for char, varchar, binary, and varbinary. Another option is style, which is used to convert between data kinds such as date and string formats.
CAST is a less versatile and powerful system. CONVERT is the preferable function for data, time values, traditional numbers, and money signifiers since it provides more flexibility.
This function cannot be used to format and convert at the same time. CONVERT can also be used to format and convert data.
While converting, CAST functions also convert decimals and numerical quantities to integers. When converting, the CONVERT functions cannot convert decimals and numerical values to integers.
You can't use CAST to modify the character set. CONVERT converts a character set of data into a different character set.
CAST is a function that returns a single form result. The CONVERT function returns the specified style format.