In a relational database, the terms TABLE and VIEW are used interchangeably.

The distinction between table and view is a point of contention among beginners and database administrators (DBAs) because they are comparable in several ways.

The main distinction is that a TABLE is an entity made up of rows and columns that is used to store and retrieve data whenever the user requires it.

The VIEW , on the other hand, is a virtual table based on the result set of a SQL operation that will be deleted when the current session ends.

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to compare tables and views from various perspectives.

SQL TABLE Statement

A TABLE is made up of rows and columns that are used to arrange data so that records can be stored and displayed in a systematic manner.

Furthermore, by giving characteristics to the table and the columns within the table, we can control the type of data and the range of data that the table will take.

Worksheets in a spreadsheet application are similar to this.

It takes up space on our computers.

Example: The following statement creates a new table named Sales to track the customer in-store visits:

    Salesid INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY (1, 1),
    Name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
    phone VARCHAR(20),
    store_id INT NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES Sales(store_id)

The visitors table is created in the CarStores database because we do not mention the name of the database in which the table is created directly. Because we specify the schema explicitly, the visits table is created in the sales schema.

Six columns make up the visitors table:

  • The table's PRIMARY KEY column is the sales id column. SQL Server is told to generate integer numbers for the column starting at one and increasing by one for each new record by using the IDENTITY(1,1) command.
  • The first name and last name columns are VARCHAR character string columns. Up to 50 characters can be stored in these columns.
  • In telephone The phone column takes NULL and is a variable character string field.
  • The store id column contains the unique identifiers for each store visited by the customer.
  • A FOREIGN KEY restriction appears at the conclusion of the table's definition. The values in the store id column of the visitors table must be available in the store id column of the stores table, thanks to this foreign key.

SQL VIEW Statement

In SQL Server, a VIEW is similar to a virtual table that stores data from one or more tables.

A view is a collection of SQL queries that retrieve data from a database.

And it isn't even physically there in the database. Its content is built on the foundation of base tables.

In the end, it's just a collection of SQL statements saved in a database with a given name. In SQL Server, a view is simply a reference to table data; it does not contain any actual data.

Example: Using the INNER JOIN clause, the following query retrieves data from the songs, albums, media types, and genres tables in the sample database.

   albums.titiles AS album,
   media_types.Name AS media,
   genres.Name AS genres
INNER JOIN albums ON Albums.AlbumId = tracks.AlbumId
INNER JOIN media_types ON media_types.MediaTypeId = tracks.MediaTypeId
INNER JOIN genres ON genres.GenreId = tracks.GenreId;

To create a view based on this query, you use the following statement:

CREATE VIEW v_tracks 
	albums.Title AS album,
	media_types.Name AS media,
	genres.Name AS genres
INNER JOIN albums ON Albums.AlbumId = tracks.AlbumId
INNER JOIN media_types ON media_types.MediaTypeId = tracks.MediaTypeId
INNER JOIN genres ON genres.GenreId = tracks.GenreId;

SQL Difference Between TABLE And VIEW DATABASE Objects

There are 10 main distiguish in table & view statements:-

A table is a database object that is used to hold information in a database. Tables organise data into a logical row-column format. A View is similar to a virtual table in that it stores data from one or morecollection of SQL queries that retrieve data from a database.
A table is a database object that stores data for applications and reports. A View is a database object that can be used as a table or linked to other tables.
A table is made up of rows and columns. A view is a collection of SQL statements that produce a result.
The Table is a stand-alone data object. In most cases, views are determined by the table.
The table is a physical table that may be found in a physical location. A view is a virtual table that does not exist in the real world.
It takes up space on the systems. It takes up no space on the systems.
A table lets you to conduct operations on the data you've saved, such as adding, updating, or deleting it. We are unable to add, alter, or delete data from a view. We must update the data in the source tables if we wish to make any modifications to a view.
Because of its physical storage, replacing the table is a difficult process. It is simple to replace and recreate the view whenever necessary.
We can use a table to do DML operations. We'll be able to do DML operations with the view.
It produces a quick outcome. Because the view renders the information from the table every time we query it, it produces a sluggish result.