NUMERIC and DECIMAL are the two data types that allow us to store exact numerical data in SQL.

Let's compare and contrast these two functions.


The MySQL DECIMAL data type is used in the database to hold exact numeric values.

For columns that require absolute precision, such as money data in accounting systems, we frequently utilise the DECIMAL data type.

Example: You can declare a DECIMAL value like so:

DECLARE @datatype DECIMAL(4, 2)

Once again, we have 4 total digits, with 2 to the right of the decimal point.

In Standard SQL you can store more than 4 digits there if you want (but only 2 to the right of the decimal point).


Integers can be signed or unsigned in Numeric Datatypes.

NUMERI is an affinity in SQLite, not a data type.

affinities help increase SQLite's compatibility with other databases.

The ll g numeric data types are supported by MySQL.

Data Type Range Description Storage
TINYINT(size) Allows signed integers -128 to 127 and 0 to 255 unsigned integers. 1 byte
SMALLINT(size) Allows signed integers from -32768 to 32767 and 0 to 65535 unsigned integers. 2 bytes
MEDIUMINT(size) Allows signed integers from -8388608 to 8388607 and 0 to 16777215 unsigned integers. 3 bytes
INT(size) Allows signed integers from -2147483638 to 214747483637 and 0 to 4294967925 unsigned integers. 4
BIGINT(size) Allows signed integers from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 and 0 to 18446744073709551615 unsigned integers. 8 bytes
FLOAT(size,d) Allows small numbers with floating decimal point. The size parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits, and the d parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. 4 bytes
DOUBLE(size,d) Allows large numbers with floating decimal point. The size parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits, and the d parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. 8 bytes
DECIMAL(size,d) Allows storing DOUBLE as a string, so that there is a fixed decimal point. The size parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits, and the d parameter is used to specify the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. Varies 8 bytes

Example: You can declare NUMERIC like so:

Sql Server

DECLARE @MyNumeric NUMERIC(4 , 2)

Here, the precision is 4 total digits, with 2 to the right of the decimal point.

SQL Difference Between DECIMAL And NUMERIC Datatype

There are 5 contrst in decimal vs numeric datatypes:-

In contrast to NUMERIC, which allows for more numbers than the precision specified. The NUMERIC data type is rigorous; it ensures that the precision and scale you specify are met.
It has a variable storage size, which is determined by the amount of digits it contains. It has a variable storage size, which is determined by the amount of digits it contains.
DECIMAL data types are capable of storing rational integers. They can hold up to 16,383 digits after the decimal point and 13,1072 digits before the decimal point. NUMERIC data types are capable of storing rational numbers. They can hold up to 16,383 digits after the decimal point and 13,1072 digits before the decimal point.
For calculations that demand precision, DECIMAL data types are the best option. You can quickly save monetary quantities in DECIMAL columns and rest assured that no cent will be lost! For calculations that demand precision, NUMERIC data types are the best option. You can easily save monetary quantities in NUMERIC columns and rest assured that no cent will be lost!
For the TotalPrice column, we couldn't use any of the integer data types because the decimal component would be lost. For the TotalPrice column, we can use any of the integer data types because the decimal component will not be lost.