SQL LCASE() | LOWER() Function
The SQL LCASE() | LOWER() is a function, and converts the value of a column to lowercase.
The SQL LCASE() | LOWER() function is supports only character based column and it will not work on a numeric field.
It can be used in any valid SQL SELECT statement as well in SQL where clause.
Related Links
You can also search these topics using sql lcase function, sql server lowercase, tolower sql server.
SQL LCASE() | LOWER() Syntax
For MS Access / ORACLE / MY SQL
// Convert a input string or text expression to lowercase
SELECT LCASE(string or text);
// Convert a specific table column value to lowercase
SELECT LCASE(column_name1) FROM table_name;
// Convert a input string or text expression to lowercase
SELECT LOWER(string or text);
// Convert a specific table column value to lowercase
SELECT LOWER(column_name1) FROM table_name;
SQL LCASE() | LOWER() Example - Using Expression Or Formula
The following SQL SELECT statement will convert of a given input string to lowercase:
For MS Access / ORACLE / MY SQL
SELECT LCASE('SimmanChith.COM');
SELECT LOWER('SimmanChith.COM');
The result of above query is:
Expr |
simmanchith.com |
SQL LCASE() | LOWER() Function More Example
Input Value | Result |
LCASE('Sql DataBase Tutorial') | sql database tutorial |
LCASE('SQL DB 5.0') | sql db 5.0 |
Sample Database Table - Employee
ID | EmpName | Designation | Dept | JoinYear | Salary |
1 | Chandra | Sql Team Adminstrator | SQL Server | 2015 | 14390.4 |
2 | Siva Kumar | Cloud Database | MS Access | 2012 | 12290.1 |
3 | Bala Murugan | Database Security | ASP.Net | 2013 | 16280 |
4 | Rishi Keshan | Information Tech | MySQL | 2013 | 11240 |
SQL LCASE() | LOWER() Example
The following SQL statement selects the "ID" and "Dept" fields from the "Employee" table, and converts the "Dept" column to lowercase:
For MS Access / ORACLE / MY SQL
LCASE(Dept) As 'Dept Column In Lower Case'
FROM Employee;
LOWER(Dept) As 'Dept Column In Lower Case'
FROM Employee;
The result of above query is:
ID | Dept Column In Lower Case |
1 | sql server |
2 | ms access |
3 | asp.net |
4 | mysql |
Related Links
You can also search these topics using sql change to lowercase, sql case sensitive, sql case insensitive, sql case sensitive compare, sql case insensitive search, sql string functions, case sensitive sql query.