SQL YEAR() Function

SQL YEAR() Function

The SQL YEAR() is a function, and returns or extract year portion(a four digit number) of a given input date value.

The SQL YEAR() function is supports only date or datetime based table columns or fields.

It can be used in SELECT statement as well in where clause.

You can also search these topics using sql year function, sql server year function, select year from date sql, sql server get year from date, year function sql.

SQL YEAR() Syntax

The below syntax is used to get year value from a given input date value using YEAR() function.


SELECT YEAR('valid_date_value');

The below syntax is used to read year portion value from a given table column using YEAR() function


SELECT YEAR(date_column_name1) FROM table_name;

SQL YEAR() Example - Using Expression Or Formula

The following SQL SELECT statement will extract the year value from a given input date value. We use now() function to get the input date value.

NOW() AS 'Current Date and Time', 
YEAR(NOW()) AS 'Year Value';

The result of above query is:

Current Date and Time Year Value
24-08-2012 19:37:30 2012

Sample Database Table - BookOrder

BookID BookName OrderDate Qty DeliveryDate
1 Foundations Of Sql Server 2008 25-08-1999 14:03:22 13 28-09-1999 09:01:39
2 My SQL Complete Reference 19-09-2007 20:26:04 3 23-09-2007 14:05:09
3 Simply Oracle 22-03-2009 16:02:06 8 27-03-2009 17:37:52
4 Postgresql Official Documentation 14-06-2005 18:37:10 1 17-06-2005 15:53:26

SQL YEAR() Example - With Table Column

The following SQL SELECT statement display the column "OrderDate" and "DeliveryDate" from the "BookOrder" table. The YEAR() function will extract the year value(a four digit number) from the column "OrderDate" and we will stored that value to a new column called "Order Year" and "Delivery Year".

OrderDate, YEAR(OrderDate) As 'Order Year', 
DeliveryDate, YEAR(DeliveryDate) As 'Delivery Year' 
FROM BookOrder;

The result of above query is:

OrderDate Order Year DeliveryDate Delivery Year
25-08-1999 14:03:22 1999 28-09-1999 09:01:39 1999
19-09-2007 20:26:04 2007 23-09-2007 14:05:09 2007
22-03-2009 16:02:06 2009 27-03-2009 17:37:52 2009
14-06-2005 18:37:10 2005 17-06-2005 15:53:26 2005

You can also search these topics using sql date get year, t sql year function, sql date functions, sql datetime functions, sql server date now, sql date comparison, sql datepart function, sql datetime to date.