SQL Server String Functions

SQL Server ASCII() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server ASCII() Function

The ASCII() method returns the character's ASCII value.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
character Required. The character for which the ASCII value should be returned. If than one character is input, the value for the first character will be returned.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return the first character in the text "Customer"' value:

SELECT ASCII('Customer')

Result: 67

SQL Server CHAR() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server CHAR() Function

The ASCII character is returned by the CHAR() method.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
code Required. For SQL, the ASCII number code to return the character.

Technical Details

Works in: Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse (beginning with 2008).


Return the following character using the numeric code 65:

SELECT CHAR(65) AS CodeToCharacter;

Result: A

SQL Server CHARINDEX() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server CHARINDEX() Function

The CHARINDEX() method returns the location of a substring found in a string.

This method returns 0 if the substring cannot be found.

Note that this function searches without regard for case.


CHARINDEX(substring, string, start)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
substring Required. The substring to search for
string Required. The string to be searched
start Optional. The location from which the search will begin (if you do not want to start at the beginning of string). 1 is the initial position in a string.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return position: Search for "OM" in the text "Customer."

SELECT CHARINDEX('OM', 'Customer') AS MatchPosition;

Result: 5

Return position (starting at position 3) after searching for "mer" in string "Customer":

SELECT CHARINDEX('mer', 'Customer', 3) AS MatchPosition;

Result: 6

Find the letter "t" in the string "Customer" and return the following position:

SELECT CHARINDEX('t', 'Customer') AS MatchPosition;

Result: 4

SQL Server CONCAT() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server CONCAT() Function

The CONCAT() function concatenates two or strings.

Note:See also CONCAT WS and Concat using the + operator ().


CONCAT(string1, string2, ...., string_n)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string1, string2, string_n Required. The strings to add together

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2012), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Add 3 strings together:

SELECT CONCAT('SQL', ' is', ' fun!');

Result: SQL is fun!

Strings are added together (each string is separated by a space character):

SELECT CONCAT('SQL', ' ', 'is', ' ', 'fun!');

Result: SQL is fun!

Add two strings together:

SELECT CONCAT('Simmanchith', '.com');

Result: simmanchith.com

SQL Server Concat With +

You can combine two or strings with the + operator.

Note that the CONCAT() and CONCAT WS() methods are also available.


string1 + string2 + string_n

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string1, string2, string_n Required. The strings to add together

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (since 2005), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Add 3 strings together:

SELECT 'SQL' + ' is' + ' fun!';

Result: SQL is fun!

Strings are added together (each string is separated by a space character):

SELECT 'SQL' + ' ' + 'is' + ' ' + 'fun!';

Result: SQL is fun!

Add 2 strings together:

SELECT 'Simmanchith' + '.com';

Result: Simmanchith.com

SQL Server CONCAT_WS() Function

CONCAT WS() is a function that joins two or strings with a separator.

Note that CONCAT() and CONCAT with the + operator are also available.


CONCAT_WS(separator, string1, string2, ...., string_n)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
separator Required. The separator to use
string1, string2, string_n Required. The strings to add together

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2017), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse are all available.


Combine the strings. To separate the concatenated string values, use '-':

SELECT CONCAT_WS('-', 'SQL', ' is', ' fun!');

Result: SQL- is- fun!

Combine the strings. To separate the concatenated string values, use '.':

SELECT CONCAT_WS('.', 'www', 'Simmanchith', 'com');

Result: www.Simmanchith.com

SQL Server DATALENGTH() Function

The number of bytes utilised to represent an expression is returned by the DATALENGTH() function.

When computing the length of an expression, the DATALENGTH() function counts both leading and following spaces.

Also check out the LEN() function.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
expression Required. The data type for which the length should be returned. It returns NULL if expression is NULL. SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.

Technical Details

Works in: Return the length of an expression in bytes (both leading and following spaces are counted):


Return the length of an expression in bytes (both leading and following spaces are counted):

SELECT DATALENGTH('   W3Schools.com   ');


Error in SQL: Error: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: An error occurred translating the query string to UTF-16: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page. .

Return the length (in bytes) of an expression:


Result: 7

Return the length (in bytes) of an expression:


Result: 13

SQL Server DIFFERENCE() Function

The DIFFERENCE() method produces an integer after comparing two SOUNDEX values. The integer number, ranging from 0 to 4, shows the match between the two SOUNDEX values.

0 means that the SOUNDEX values have little or no resemblance. 4 implies that the SOUNDEX values are very comparable or same.

Look at the SOUNDEX() method as well.


DIFFERENCE(expression, expression)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
expression, expression Required. There are two phrases to compare. A constant, variable, or column can all be used.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Returns an integer after comparing two SOUNDEX values:

SELECT DIFFERENCE('Juice', 'Banana');

Result: 2

Returns an integer after comparing two SOUNDEX values:


Result: 4

SQL Server FORMAT() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server FORMAT() Function

The FORMAT() function applies the provided format to a value (and an optional culture in SQL Server 2017).

To format date/time and numeric data, use the FORMAT() function. Use CAST() or CONVERT for generic data type conversions ().


FORMAT(value, format, culture)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
value Required. The value to be formatted
format Required. The format pattern
culture Optional. Specifies a culture (from SQL Server 2017)

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (starting with 2012), Azure SQL Database


Format a number:

SELECT FORMAT(123456789, '##-##-#####');

Result: 12-34-56789

Format a date:

DECLARE @d DATETIME = '12/01/2018';
SELECT FORMAT (@d, 'd', 'en-US') AS 'US English Result',
               FORMAT (@d, 'd', 'no') AS 'Norwegian Result',
               FORMAT (@d, 'd', 'zu') AS 'Zulu Result';


US English ResultNorwegian ResultZulu Result

SQL Server LEFT() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server LEFT() Function

The LEFT() method removes a string's leftmost characters (starting from left).


LEFT(string, number_of_chars)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to extract from
number_of_chars Required. The maximum amount of characters that can be extracted. If the number is than the number of characters in string, string is returned.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Take 100 characters from the following string (beginning at the left):

SELECT LEFT('SQL Tutorial', 100) AS ExtractString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

Extract the following three characters from a string (beginning at the left):

SELECT LEFT('SQL Tutorial', 3) AS ExtractString;

Result: SQL

SQL Server LEN() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server LEN() Function

The length of a string is returned by the LEN() method.

Note that the length does not include any trailing spaces at the end of the string. Leading spaces at the beginning of the string, on the other hand, are taken into account when computing the length.

Look at the DATALENGTH() method as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The length of the string to return. It returns NULL if string is NULL.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return the length of a string (leading but not trailing spaces are counted):

SELECT LEN(' simmanchith.com ');

Result: 16

Return the length of a string:

SELECT LEN('2017-08');

Result: 7

Return the length of a string:


Result: 2

SQL Server LOWER() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server LOWER() Function

The LOWER() method lowers the case of a string.

Take a look at the UPPER() function as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
text Required. The string to convert

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Convert the text to lower-case:

SELECT LOWER('SQL Tutorial is FUN!');

Result: sql tutorial is fun!

SQL Server LTRIM() Function

The LTRIM() method trims a string's leading spaces.

Take a look at the RTRIM() method as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. To eliminate leading spaces from a string, use this string.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


To remove leading spaces from a string, do the following:

SELECT LTRIM('     SQL Tutorial') AS LeftTrimmedString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

SQL Server NCHAR() Function

Based on the numeric code, the NCHAR() method returns the Unicode character.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
number_code Required. The integer code in the Unicode standard that will be used to return the character.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return the Unicode character that corresponds to the number 65:

SELECT NCHAR(65) AS NumberCodeToUnicode;

SQL Server PATINDEX() Function

The PATINDEX() method returns the pattern's location inside a string.

This method returns 0 if the pattern is not detected.

Note that the string's initial position is 1 and the search is case-insensitive.


PATINDEX(%pattern%, string)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
%pattern% Required. The pattern must be discovered. It has to be encircled by percent. In a pattern, other wildcards can be utilised, such as:
  • % - Any string of any length can be matched (including 0 length)
  • - Make a single character match.
  • [] - Replace any characters in the brackets, for example, [xyz].
  • [] - Replace any character that isn't in the brackets, such as [xyz].
string Required. The string to be searched

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return the pattern's position in a string:

SELECT PATINDEX('%s%com%', 'W3Schools.com');

Result: 9

Return the pattern's position in a string:

SELECT PATINDEX('%[ol]%', 'W3Schools.com');

Result: 6

Return the pattern's position in a string:

SELECT PATINDEX('%[z]%', 'W3Schools.com');

Result: 0

Return the pattern's position in a string:

SELECT PATINDEX('%schools%', 'W3Schools.com');

Result: 3

SQL Server QUOTENAME() Function

The QUOTENAME() method produces a Unicode string that has been delimited to make it a valid SQL Server delimited identifier.


QUOTENAME(string, quote_char)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. A Unicode character data string. There are only 128 characters available.
quote_char Optional. The delimiter is a one-character string. A single quotation mark ('), a left or right bracket ([]), a double quotation mark ("), a left or right parenthesis (()), a greater than or less than sign (>), a left or right brace (), or a backtick (') are all examples of punctuation marks. Brackets are used if quote char is not given.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return a Unicode string delimited by parenthesis:

SELECT QUOTENAME('abcdef', '()');

Result: (abcdef)

Returns a Unicode string delimited by brackets (by default):


Result: [abcdef]

SQL Server REPLACE() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server REPLACE() Function

The REPLACE() method creates a new substring for every instances of a substring within a string.

It's worth noting that the search is case-insensitive.

Look at the STUFF() method as well.


REPLACE(string, old_string, new_string)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The original string
old_string Required. The string to be replaced
new_string Required. The new replacement string

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Replace "SQL" with "HTML":


Result: HTML Tutorial

Replace "a" with "c":


Result: cBC cBC cBC

Replace "T" with "M":

SELECT REPLACE('SQL Tutorial', 'T', 'M');

Result: SQL MuMorial

SQL Server REPLICATE() Function

The REPLICATE() function repeats a string a specified number of times.


REPLICATE(string, integer)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to repeat
integer Required. The number of times to repeat the string

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Repeat a string:


Result: SQL Tutorial SQL Tutorial SQL Tutorial

SQL Server REVERSE() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server REVERSE() Function

The REVERSE() function reverses a string and returns the result.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string  Required. The string to reverse

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Reverse a string:


Result: lairotuT LQS

SQL Server RIGHT() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server RIGHT() Function

The RIGHT() method removes a string's characters one by one (starting from right).


RIGHT(string, number_of_chars)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to extract from
number_of_chars Required. The maximum amount of characters that can be extracted. If number of chars is than string, string is returned.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Take 100 characters from the following string (beginning at the right):

SELECT RIGHT('SQL Tutorial', 100) AS ExtractString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

Extract the following three characters from a string (beginning at the right):

SELECT RIGHT('SQL Tutorial', 3) AS ExtractString;

Result: ial

SQL Server RTRIM() Function

The RTRIM() method eliminates spaces from the end of a string.

Take a look at the LTRIM() function as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to remove trailing spaces from

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Remove spaces at the end of a string:

SELECT RTRIM('SQL Tutorial     ') AS RightTrimmedString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

SQL Server SOUNDEX() Function

The SOUNDEX() method evaluates the similarity of two expressions by returning a four-character code.

The SOUNDEX() function turns a text to a four-character code based on how it sounds when spoken.

Check out the DIFFERENCE() method as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
expression Required. The expression that will be evaluated. A constant, variable, or column can all be used.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return a four-character code based on the similarity of two strings:


Result: B550

Return a four-character code based on the similarity of two strings:


Result: J200

SQL Server SPACE() Function

SPACE() returns a string containing the requested amount of space characters.


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
number Required. The number of spaces to be returned

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return a string with 10 spaces:

SELECT 'A' + SPACE(10) + 'B';

Result: A B

SQL Server STR() Function

The STR() method returns a string representation of a number.


STR(number, length, decimals)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
number Required. To convert a number to a string, enter it here.
length Optional. The length of the string that is returned. The default number is ten.
decimals Optional. In the returned string, the number of decimals to display. 0 is the default value.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Return a number as a string:

SELECT STR(185.5);

Result: 186

Return a number as a string:

SELECT STR(185.476, 6, 2);

Result: 185.48

Return a number as a string:


Result: 185

SQL Server STUFF() Function

The STUFF() method removes a portion of a string and then replaces it with another portion, starting at a given location.

Take a look at the REPLACE() method as well.


STUFF(string, start, length, new_string)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to be modified
start Required. The position in string to start to delete some characters
length Required. The number of characters to delete from string
new_string Required. The new string to insert into string at the start position

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Starting at position 13, remove 1 character from a string and replace it with "is fun!":

SELECT STUFF('SQL Tutorial!', 13, 1, ' is fun!');

Result: SQL Tutorial is fun!

Remove three characters from a string starting at position 1 and replace them with "HTML":

SELECT STUFF('SQL Tutorial', 1, 3, 'HTML');

Result: HTML Tutorial

SQL Server SUBSTRING() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server SUBSTRING() Function

SUBSTRING() extracts a subset of characters from a string.


SUBSTRING(string, start, length)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to extract from
start Required. The start position. The first position in string is 1
length Required. The maximum amount of characters that can be extracted. A positive number is required.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Starting at point 1, extract 100 characters from a string:

SELECT SUBSTRING('SQL Tutorial', 1, 100) AS ExtractString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

Starting at position 1, extract three characters from a string:

SELECT SUBSTRING('SQL Tutorial', 1, 3) AS ExtractString;

Result: SQL

SQL Server TRANSLATE() Function

After the characters provided in the second argument are translated into the characters given in the third parameter, the TRANSLATE() method returns the string from the first argument.

If the lengths of the characters and translations disagree, the TRANSLATE() method will produce an error.


TRANSLATE(string, characters, translations)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The input string
characters Required. The characters that should be replaced
translations Required. The new characters

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (starting with 2017)



SELECT TRANSLATE('3*[2+1]/{8-4}', '[]{}', '()()'); // Results in 3*(2+1)/(8-4)

Result: 3*(2+1)/(8-4)


SELECT TRANSLATE('Monday', 'Monday', 'Sunday'); // Results in Sunday

Result: Sunday

SQL Server TRIM() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server TRIM() Function

The TRIM() method eliminates the space character from the beginning or end of a string, as well as other specified characters.

The TRIM() method, by default, eliminates leading and trailing spaces from a string.

Look into the LTRIM() and RTRIM() routines as well.


TRIM([characters FROM ]string)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
characters FROM Optional. Specific characters to remove
string Required. The string to remove spaces or characters from

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (starting with 2017), Azure SQL Database,


To remove characters and spaces from a string, do the following:

SELECT TRIM('#! ' FROM '    #SQL Tutorial!    ') AS TrimmedString;

Result: SQL Tutorial

To remove leading and trailing spaces from a string, follow these steps:

SELECT TRIM('     SQL Tutorial!     ') AS TrimmedString;

Result: SQL Tutorial!

SQL Server UNICODE() Function

For the first character in the input expression, the UNICODE() method returns an integer value (the Unicode value).



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
character_expression Required. An nchar or varchar expression

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


For the first character in the input expression, return an integer value (a Unicode value):


Result: 65

SQL Server UPPER() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server UPPER() Function

The UPPER() method raises the case of a string.

Take a look at the LOWER() method as well.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
text Required. The string to convert

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Convert the text to upper-case:

SELECT UPPER('SQL Tutorial is FUN!');