Three functions will be discussed in this article. DELETE, DROP , TRUNCATE is one of them.

Then we'll talk about the main differences between these three functions.


It's also a command in the Data Definition Language (DDL).

We can't delete a single row with the "TRUNCATE" command because the WHERE clause isn't used.

The existence of all the rows of the table is lost when this command is used.

It is faster than the remove command because it deletes all the rows at once.

The deallocation table is marked with the TRUNCATE command.

This procedure removes all data from a table while ignoring a number of table constraints.

Users cannot truncate a table that is referenced as a FOREIGN KEY in another table in MySQL.

Example: This query will remove all the records from the table Book.

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1 Professional Microsoft SQL Server 175
2 SQL Server 2012 Black Book 145
3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 85
4 Getting Started With SQL 65

Truncate function delete the whole table



If we can fetch data from table use below query,

SELECT* FROM Customer;

When attempting to display the records from that table, the output screen displays a no data found error. This is because it deletes all of the records in that table.

The Truncate statement is the same as a DELETE statement without the WHERE clause.

The truncate command removes all of the records from a table without having to scan it. This is why it outperforms the DELETE statement.

SQL DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement in SQL is a DML command.

It's used to get rid of existing records from a table. Depending on the condition supplied in the query, we can delete a single or several records.

We have the option of deleting all of the rows at once or one by one. Using the WHERE clause, we can apply it according to the requirement or circumstance.

The WHERE clause of the DELETE statement specifies the requirements.

If we don't utilise the WHERE clause, the table will be empty and all of the records will be erased.

Example: This query will delete the record(s) from aboveBook table where field price has a value eaual to 85.

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1 Professional Microsoft SQL Server 175
2 SQL Server 2012 Black Book 145
3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 85
4 Getting Started With SQL 65
DELETE FROM BookSimple WHERE Price=85;

Output: The Output of above query is

ID Name Price
1 Professional Microsoft SQL Server 175
2 SQL Server 2012 Black Book 145
4 Getting Started With SQL 65

SQL DROP Statement

The DROP statement is a Data Definition Language (DDL) command for deleting existing database items.

It allows you to delete databases, tables, views, and triggers, among other things. It's used to throw the entire table away. In SQL, a DROP command deactivates a component in a relational database management system (RDBMS).

We can drop (delete) the entire structure at once with the "DROP" command, which eliminates the schema's named elements.

The existence of the entire table is terminated or lost when this command is used.

Example: This query will remove the Book table in above example from the database.

ID Name Price
1 Professional Microsoft SQL Server 175
2 SQL Server 2012 Black Book 145
3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 85
4 Getting Started With SQL 65

DROP Command removes the table definition and all the data, indexes, triggers, constraints and permission specifications for that table.

Output: There is no Output because Book table will be deleted from database

All records are deleted

SQL Difference Betweeen DELETE , DROP AND TRUNCATE Statement

In this part we will discuss the distingusih in delete,drop and truncate statement:-

DML (Data Manipulation Command Language) is a command language for manipulating data. DDL (Data Definition Command Language) is a command language for defining data definitions. Truncate is a command language for Data Definition Command.
It's used to get rid of one or more rows/records from an existing database table. Drop is a database function that deletes the entire table. Truncate is a command that deletes all of the rows in a table or all of the records in an existing table.
Here, the "ROLLBACK" command can be used to recover the tuple. If we delete a row from the database, we may retrieve that row from the database. We can't use the "ROLLBACK" command to recover the table's tuples in this case. If we use the drop command, we won't be able to rollback the entire table. We can't use the "ROLLBACK" command to recover the table's tuples in this case. We can't retrieve all the deleted rows back if we use the truncate command.
The delete command does not free the table's allotted memory space. The Drop command clears the table's allotted memory space. **** The Truncate command does not free the table's allotted memory space. ****
The Delete command takes longer than the Drop and Truncate commands. The Drop command is faster than the Delete command, but not as swift as the Truncate command. The Truncate command is quicker than the Drop and Delete commands.
Integrity Constraints remain the same in the Delete command. Integrity limitations will be eliminated using the DROP command. Integrity limitations will not be removed when using theTruncate command.
If no conditions are supplied in the WHERE clause, the table's records are deleted. There isn't a WHERE clause in the code. There is no WHERE clause.
You must have DELETE access on the table to utilise Delete. You'll need ALTER permission on the schema that the table belongs to, as well as CONTROL permission on the table, to utilise Drop. To use Truncate on a table you need ALTER permission on the table.
Row Lock Makes use of a lock Table Lock
Because it checks each row before removing, it is slower and takes longer. It is more efficient and saves time. It is faster than DELETE in execution because it does not scan every row before deleting
Works with indexed views - Yes Works with indexed views - No Works with indexed views - No
Transaction logging Each row Transaction logging Whole table (minimal) Transaction logging Whole table (minimal)
Fires triggers - Yes Fires triggers- No Fires triggers - No