PHP Constructor and Destructor

PHP Constructor and Destructor

PHP - The __construct Function

The __construct() keyword is used to create a constructor within a class.

A constructor nothing but a normal php function with some special features.

The main difference between a normal function and constructor is:

  • When you create an object from a class, PHP will automatically call the __construct() function you defined.
  • This function's name is construct by a pair of underscores (__)!. You cannot change the constructor name.

It will be very useful when you want to initialize default value to class member before execute or call any other methods.

Note:- A constructor can have function overloading like other normal functions.

Example 1:- A basic or default constructor.

class MyClass {
  function __construct() {
    echo "I am a constructor!";
$object1 = new MyClass();

Output :-

I am a constructor!

Note: In the above example, we did not call the __constructor function and its execute automatically.

Example 2 : Creating a constructor with parameters and used to set default values to properties.

class Calculator {
  public $a, $b;
  function __construct($a, $b) {
    $this->a = $a;
    $this->b = $b;
  //    This is a normal to set "a" and "b" values
  //    This function will execute after calling manually.
  function setAB($a, $b) {
    $this->a = $a;
    $this->b = $b;
  function do_Addition() {
    $c = $this->a + $this->b;
    echo "<br />Addition is : " . $c;
  function do_Subtraction() {
    $c = $this->a - $this->b;
    echo "<br />Subtraction is : " . $c;
$cc = new Calculator(25, 15);
$cc->setAB(1 , 2);

Output :-

Addition is : 40
Subtraction is : 10

Addition is : 3
Subtraction is : -1

You can also search for these topics, php oop constructor, oop parent constructor in php, php class constructor oop, constructor function using php oops, how to create a construct function using php, php construct function starts with two underscores, Example for php oop constructor.

PHP __destruct Function

When an object is destroyed or when a script is terminated or quit, a destructor is invoked to destroy it.

This function will be called automatically at the end of the script if you add a function named __destruct().

There are two underscores(__) at the beginning of the destruct function!

Example :- Here's an example script that includes two functions : one executed automatically when an object is created from a class, and one called automatically at the end :

class Fruit {
  public $name;
  function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
    echo "<br />" . $this->name ." is created!";
  function __destruct() {
    echo "<br />" . $this->name ." is destroyed!";
$apple = new Fruit("Apple");
$banana = new Fruit("Banana");

Output :-

Apple is created!
Banana is created!
Banana is destroyed!
Apple is destroyed!

Tip : Constructors and destructors are particularly beneficial since they assist reduce the amount of code.

You can also search for these topics, php oop destructor, oop parent destructor in php, php class destructor oop, destructor function using php oops, how to create a destruct function using php, php destruct function starts with two underscores, Example for php oop destructor.