SQL Server Date and Time Functions


The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in SQL Server returns the present database system timestamp as a DATETIME value using the 'YYYY-MM-DD hh: mm: ss. mmm' pattern.

The ANSI SQL equivalent of GETDATE is the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP().

This function can be used wherever a DATETIME expression is permitted.


The following is the syntax for the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Function:


Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example: The current date and time are returned in the following example using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function:



5/17/2022 8:22:07 PM

The result gives you the current timestamp.

SQL Server DATEADD() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server DATEADD() Function

The DATEADD() function modifies an input date by adding a number to a given date/time component and returning the result.


The following is the syntax for the DATEADD() Function:

DATEADD(date_part, number, input_date)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
date_part Required. The extra time/date interval. It's possible to use one of the values below:
  • year, yyyy, yy = Year
  • quarter, qq, q = Quarter
  • month, mm, m = month
  • dayofyear, dy, y = Day of the year
  • day, dd, d = Day
  • week, ww, wk = Week
  • weekday, dw, w = Weekday
  • hour, hh = hour
  • minute, mi, n = Minute
  • second, ss, s = Second
  • millisecond, ms = Millisecond
number Required. The number of intervals to include in the date. It could be advantageous (obtaining future dates) or disadvantageous (obtaining old dates) (to get dates in the past).
input_date Required. The specified date to change.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: Returning the date after adding the seconds, days, and months is demonstrated in this example:

SELECT DATEADD(second, 5, '2022-05-17 23:59:59') AS AddFiveSeconds,
DATEADD(day, 5, '2021-12-27 23:59:59') AS AddFiveDays,
DATEADD(month, 5, '2021-08-16 23:59:59') AS AddFiveMonths;


AddFiveSeconds AddFiveDays AddFiveMonths
5/18/2022 12:00:04 AM 1/1/2022 11:59:59 PM 1/16/2022 11:59:59 PM

In this result, we added 5 seconds, days, and months in the specific date.

Example 2: Returning the date after subtracting the second, day, and months is demonstrated in this example:

SELECT DATEADD(second, -5, '2022-05-17 00:59:55') AS SubtractFiveSeconds,
DATEADD(day, -5, '2022-01-05 23:59:59') AS SubtractFiveDays,
DATEADD(month, 5, '2022-05-11 23:59:59') AS SubtractFiveMonths;


SubtractFiveSeconds SubtractfFiveDays SubtractFiveMonths
5/17/2022 12:59:50 AM 12/31/2021 11:59:59 PM 10/11/2022 11:59:59 PM

In this result, we subtractes 5 seconds, days, and months in the specific date.

Example 3: This example to adding year:

Let's use DATESIMPLE table to execute following query:

1 Balan 1996/01/19 22:50:24
2 Vinoth Kumar 2008/02/22 17:50:28

The query will be like this,

DATEADD(year, 18, dob) AS AddingYear 


Name DOB AddingYear
Balan 1/19/1996 10:50:24 PM 1/19/2014 10:50:24 PM
Vinoth Kumar 2/22/2008 5:50:28 PM 2/22/2026 5:50:28 PM

From the result, it's adding 18 years in DOB columns.

SQL Server DATEDIFF() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server DATEDIFF() Function

The DATEDIFF() function in SQL Server can be used to compute the number of years, months, weeks, days, and so on. It evaluates dates and outputs the difference.


The following is the syntax for the DATEDIFF() Function:

DATEDIFF(interval, start_date, end_date)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
interval Required. The component that must be returned. One of the values listed below may be used:
  • year, yyyy, yy = Year
  • quarter, qq, q = Quarter
  • month, mm, m = month
  • dayofyear = Day of the year
  • day, dy, y = Day
  • week, ww, wk = Week
  • weekday, dw, w = Weekday
  • hour, hh = hour
  • minute, mi, n = Minute
  • second, ss, s = Second
  • millisecond, ms = Millisecond
start_date, end_date Required. evaluate two dates.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: The following is an example of how to return the difference in years between two dates:

SELECT DATEDIFF(year, '1999/06/04', '2022/05/16') AS DifferentYear;



The result outputs years between specified dates. There are 23 years difference between '1999/06/04' and '2022/05/16'.

Example 2: The following is an example of how to return the difference in months between two dates:

SELECT DATEDIFF(month, '1999/06/04', '2022/05/16') AS DifferentDate;



The result outputs months between specified dates. There are 275 months between '1999/06/04' and '2022/05/16'.

Example 3: The following is an example of how to return the difference in hours between two dates:

SELECT DATEDIFF(hour, '1999/06/04 04:00', '2022/05/16 12:45') AS DifferentHour;



The result outputs hours between specified dates. There are 201176 hours difference between '1999/06/04 04:00' and '2022/05/16 12:45'.

Example 4: Example of using the DATEDIFF() function with a table column:

Let's take DATEADVANCE table to execute the example:

Name JoinDate LeaveDate
Siva Kumar 1995/03/12 14:29:22 2012/09/21 23:51:54
Geetha 2000/01/08 13:19:21 2012/09/24 22:33:53

The query will be look like this,

DATEDIFF(day, JoinDate, LeaveDate) AS date_difference,
DATEDIFF(year, JoinDate, LeaveDate) AS year_difference


Name JoinDate LeaveDate date_difference year_difference
Siva Kumar 3/12/1995 2:29:22 PM 9/21/2012 11:51:54 PM 6403 17
Geetha 1/8/2000 1:19:21 PM 9/24/2012 10:33:53 PM 4643 12

The result calculates day and year between joindate and leavedate column in the dateadvance table.


To create a date from the year, month, and day, use the SQL Server DATEFROMPARTS() function.

A DATE value is returned by the DATEFROMPARTS() method. The function will return NULL if any parameter is NULL.


The following is the syntax for the DATEFROMPARTS() Function:

DATEFROMPARTS(year, month, day)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
year Required. year is a year-related integer expression (4 digits).
month Required. month is an integer expression that returns a month between 1 and 12.
day Required. day is a number between 1 and 31 that represents a day.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: The example to construct date parts:

SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(2021, 05, 12) AS ConstructDate;


5/12/2021 12:00:00 AM

From the result you can see that this date parts are constructed on a date.

Example 2: Because the parameter is NULL, the next example returns NULL:

SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(2021,03,NULL) as ConstructedDate;



If there is null in this function it will return NULL.

SQL Server DATENAME() Function

To acquire a character string that identifies a particular date component of a date, use the SQL Server DATENAME() function.

This function returns the result as a string value.


The following is the syntax for the DATENAME() Function:

DATENAME(part_of_date, input_date)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
interval Required. The component that must be returned. One of the values listed below may be used:
  • year, yyyy, yy = Year
  • quarter, qq, q = Quarter
  • month, mm, m = month
  • dayofyear = Day of the year
  • day, dy, y = Day
  • week, ww, wk = Week
  • weekday, dw, w = Weekday
  • hour, hh = hour
  • minute, mi, n = Minute
  • second, ss, s = Second
  • millisecond, ms = Millisecond
date Required. A date.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: This example shows how to get the required portion of a date as a character:

SELECT DATENAME(yy, '2022/09/15') AS YearINDatePartString,
DATENAME(wk, '2022/09/15') AS WeekINDatePartString,
DATENAME(dd, '2022/09/15') AS DayINDatePartString;


YearINDatePartString WeekINDatePartString DayINDatePartString
2022 38 15

To extract years, weeks, and days component as a character string from a date, use the SQL Server DATENAME() function.

Example 2: This example shows how to get the required portion of a date as a character:

SELECT DATENAME(hh, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS HourINDatePartString,
DATENAME(mi, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS MinuteINDatePartString,
DATENAME(ss, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS SecondINDatePartString;


HourINDatePartString MinuteINDatePartString SecondINDatePartString
10 15 50

To extract a hours, minutes, and seconds component as a character string from a date, use the SQL Server DATENAME() function.

SQL Server DATEPART() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server DATEPART() Function

The DATEPART() method returns an integer that represents a date component, such as a day, month, or year.


The following is the syntax for the DATEPART() Function:

DATEPART(interval, input_date)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
interval Required. The component that must be returned. One of the values listed below may be used: 
  • year, yyyy, yy = Year
  • quarter, qq, q = Quarter
  • month, mm, m = month
  • dayofyear, dy, y = Day of the year
  • day, dd, d = Day of the month
  • week, ww, wk = Week
  • weekday, dw, w = Weekday
  • hour, hh = hour
  • minute, mi, n = Minute
  • second, ss, s = Second
  • millisecond, ms = Millisecond
input_date Required. A date.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: This example shows how to get the required portion of a date as a integer:

SELECT DATEPART(yy, '2022/09/15') AS YearINDatePartInt,
DATEPART(wk, '2022/09/15') AS WeekINDatePartInt,
DATEPART(dd, '2022/09/15') AS DayINDatePartInt;


YearINDatePartInt WeekINDatePartInt DayINDatePartInt
2022 38 15

To extract years, weeks, and days component as a integer from a date, use the SQL Server DATENAME() function.

Example 2: This example shows how to get the required portion of a date as a integer:

SELECT DATEPART(hh, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS HourINDatePartInt,
DATEPART(mi, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS MinuteINDatePartInt,
DATEPART(ss, '2022/09/15 10:15:50') AS SecondINDatePartInt;


HourINDatePartInt MinuteINDatePartInt SecondINDatePartInt
10 15 50

To extract a hours, minutes, and seconds component as a integer from a date, use the SQL Server DATENAME() function.

Example 3: The following example uses the DATEPART() function to query the DOB by year, quarter, month and day:

Let's use DATESIMPLE table to execute below query:

Name DOB
Hari Krishnan 2000/08/25 21:47:17
Padmavathi 1995/09/12 16:46:21

The query will be look like this,

SELECT dob, 
DATEPART(year, dob) [year], 
DATEPART(quarter, dob) [quarter], 
DATEPART(month, dob) [month], 
DATEPART(day, dob) [day] 


dob year quarter month day
8/25/2000 9:47:17 PM 2000 3 8 25
9/12/1995 4:46:21 PM 1995 3 9 12

In this result, we used the DATEPART() function to extract year, quarter, month, and day from the values in the dob column.

SQL Server DAY() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server DAY() Function

The DAY() function takes an integer representing the day of a month (1-31) for a given date.


The following is the syntax for the DAY() Function:


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
input_date Required. The day of the month to return from date.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: Returning the month day from a date is an example:

SELECT DAY('2022/03/31 09:08') AS DayOfMonth;



To extract the day from the date '2022-03-31', this result uses the DAY() method.

Example 2: The input timestamp for this function is shown in this example:

SELECT DAY('55:45:25') AS DayOfMonth;



If the provided date exclusively has a time component, the DAY() function will return 1.

SQL Server MONTH() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server MONTH() Function

MONTH() provides an integer number that indicates the month of a given date (number from 1 to 12).


The following is the syntax for the MONTH() Function:


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
input_date Required. The date or datetime to extract the month.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example 1: Returning the month from a date is an example:

SELECT MONTH('2022/05/15 09:08') AS MonthOfDate;



To extract the month from the date '2022-05-15', this result uses the MONTH() method.

Example 2: The input timestamp for this function is shown in this example:

SELECT MONTH('55:45:25') AS DayOfMonth;



If the provided date exclusively has a time component, the MONTH() function will return 1.

SQL Server YEAR() Function

Main Article :- Sql Server YEAR() Function

YEAR() returns an integer result indicating the year of the supplied for a given date.


The following is the syntax for the YEAR() Function:


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
input_date Required. The date or datetime to extract from year.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.

More Examples

Example 1: Returning the year from a date is an example:

SELECT YEAR('2022/05/15 09:08') AS YearOfDate;



To extract the year from the date '2022-05-15', this result uses the YEAR() method.

Example 2: The input timestamp for this function is shown in this example:

SELECT YEAR('55:45:25') AS YearOfDate;



If the provided date exclusively has a time component, the YEAR() function will return 1.

SQL Server GETDATE() Function

The DATETIME value returned by the GETDATE() returns the current database system date and time in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm'.

The DATETIME value is generated from the Operating System (OS) of the server that SQL Server is installed on.


The following is the syntax for the GETDATE() Function:


Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server includes SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse.


Example: Get the database system's current date and time:

SELECT GETDATE() Current_DateTime;


5/18/2022 12:24:10 PM

The result outputs current date and time.

SQL Server GETUTCDATE() Function

GETUTCDATE() returns the database system's current UTC date and time in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm'.

The GETUTCDATE() function uses the operating system on which the SQL server is running to determine this value.


The following is the syntax for the GETUTCDATE() Function:


Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Example: Return the current time and date in UTC with this example:



5/17/2022 7:19:01 AM

The result was used to calculate the current UTC time and date.

SQL Server ISDATE() Function

To determine whether a value is a valid DATE, TIME, or DATETIME, use the SQL Server ISDATE() function.

The ISDATE() method returns 1 if an expression is a valid date, otherwise 0.

A character string or an expression that resolves to a character string is the expression. It cannot exceed 4,000 characters in length.


The following is the syntax for the ISDATE() Function:


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
expr Required. A expression as input to test.

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Example 1: The example to check the valid date:

SELECT ISDATE('2022-05-15') is_date;



The function return 1 because the date is valid.

Example 2: The example to check the valid date:

SELECT ISDATE('Welcome Home'),



The function return 0 because the date is invalid.

SQL Server SYSDATETIME() Function

The SYSDATETIME() method returns the date and time of the SQL Server's host machine.

Because SYSDATETIME() is a nondeterministic function, this function accepts no parameter.


The following is the syntax for the ISDATE() Function:


Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (as of 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and Parallel Data Warehouse are all examples of SQL Server.


Example: This example shows how to get the date and time from SQL Server:



5/17/2022 1:27:26 PM

The result shows that date and time of the system.