Bootstrap Breadcrumbs

You'll discover in this article how to use Bootstrap to make breadcrumbs.

Creating Breadcrumbs with Bootstrap

A breadcrumb is a navigation system that provides users with information about their current location within a website or application. Breadcrumb navigation is especially beneficial for websites with a vast number of pages or complex navigational structures, as it enhances accessibility and user experience.

Using Bootstrap, you can easily create static breadcrumb layouts by applying the .breadcrumb class to ordered lists, as shown in the provided example.

<div class="m-4">
        <ol class="breadcrumb">
            <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Products</a></li>
            <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Accessories</li>

By default, the breadcrumb separator is "/", but you can customize it using a bit of custom CSS. For instance, if you prefer to use ">", as the separator, you can implement the following style rules:

<div class="m-4">
        <ol class="breadcrumb">
            <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Products</a></li>
            <li class="breadcrumb-item active">Accessories</li>

Tip: The breadcrumb component automatically adds separators through CSS using the ::before pseudo-element and the content property.


What are Bootstrap breadcrumbs?

Bootstrap Breadcrumbs are a navigation component provided by the Bootstrap framework. They are designed to show the hierarchical structure of a website or application, making it easier for users to understand their current location within the website's hierarchy. Breadcrumbs typically appear as a sequence of links separated by a delimiter, allowing users to quickly navigate back to previous pages or sections.

How do you create Bootstrap breadcrumbs?

To create Bootstrap breadcrumbs, follow these steps:

  • HTML Structure: Start by adding a <nav> element with the aria-label attribute set to "breadcrumb" for accessibility. Inside the <nav> element, create an unordered list <ul> with a class of breadcrumb. Each breadcrumb item will be represented by a list item <li>.
  • Breadcrumb Items: Within each <li> element, place an anchor <a> tag. The anchor tag should have a href attribute pointing to the corresponding page or section and should contain the text you want to display as the breadcrumb label.
  • Active Item: Add the class active to the last breadcrumb item to indicate the current page or section.
<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
  <ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="#">Library</a></li>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">Data</li>

Can I customize the appearance of Bootstrap breadcrumbs?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of Bootstrap breadcrumbs using CSS or Bootstrap's built-in utility classes. Bootstrap provides various utility classes that allow you to change the font size, colors, spacing, and more. You can also create your own custom styles to match your website's design.

For example, you can adjust the font size of breadcrumbs using classes like fs-6 (font size 1.25rem), fs-5 (font size 1.25rem), etc. You can also use classes like bg-primary, text-white, etc., to change the background color and text color of breadcrumbs.

Are Bootstrap breadcrumbs responsive?

Yes, Bootstrap breadcrumbs are responsive by default. They are designed to work well on various screen sizes, from small mobile devices to larger desktop screens. The breadcrumbs will adapt to the available space and may truncate or stack breadcrumb items as needed to ensure a good user experience on different devices.

If you need to further customize the responsiveness of breadcrumbs, you can utilize Bootstrap's responsive utility classes or apply your own CSS rules to achieve the desired behavior.

How do Bootstrap breadcrumbs enhance user experience?

Bootstrap breadcrumbs enhance user experience by providing clear navigation cues, helping users understand their location within a website's hierarchy. This makes it easier for users to backtrack or move to higher-level sections without losing context. Breadcrumbs improve the overall usability of a website and contribute to a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation experience.

Can I use icons in Bootstrap breadcrumbs?

Yes, you can use icons in Bootstrap breadcrumbs by incorporating icon libraries like Font Awesome or Bootstrap Icons. To add an icon to a breadcrumb item, you can place the icon's HTML markup within the anchor <a> tag. For example, using Font Awesome:

<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
  <ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="breadcrumb-item">
      <a href="#"><i class="fas fa-home"></i> Home</a>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item">
      <a href="#"><i class="fas fa-book"></i> Library</a>
    <li class="breadcrumb-item active" aria-current="page">Data</li>

In this example, the fas class refers to Font Awesome's solid icons, and fa-home and fa-book are the specific icon classes for the home and book icons, respectively.

How can I align Bootstrap breadcrumbs horizontally?

Bootstrap breadcrumbs are aligned horizontally by default. They are designed to be displayed in a single row, making them suitable for horizontal navigation. If you're experiencing issues with the alignment, ensure that your HTML structure is correct, and the parent containers have appropriate width settings.

For custom alignment adjustments, you can utilize Bootstrap's flexbox or grid classes to control the layout of the breadcrumb items within the <ol> element.

Are Bootstrap breadcrumbs accessible?

Yes, Bootstrap breadcrumbs can be made accessible by following proper HTML semantics and applying appropriate ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes. Including an aria-label attribute with a value of "breadcrumb" on the <nav> element provides a label for screen readers, indicating that the navigation represents breadcrumbs.

Additionally, using the aria-current="page" attribute on the active breadcrumb item informs screen readers about the user's current location. Ensuring that the text within breadcrumb links is descriptive and meaningful also contributes to accessibility.

What is the purpose of the aria-label attribute in the <nav> element?

The aria-label attribute is used to provide an accessible name for the <nav> element that contains the breadcrumbs. It informs screen readers and other assistive technologies about the purpose of the navigation area. In the case of breadcrumbs, setting aria-label to "breadcrumb" helps convey to users with disabilities that the navigation represents a breadcrumb trail.

How do I mark the current page or section in the breadcrumbs?

To mark the current page or section, you should add the class active to the last breadcrumb item. Additionally, include the attribute aria-current="page" on the same <li> element. This attribute indicates the current page to assistive technologies, making it clear to users which item represents their current location.

How can I align Bootstrap breadcrumbs to the right or center of the page?

To align Bootstrap breadcrumbs to the right or center of the page, you can utilize Bootstrap's flexbox or grid system. Wrap the breadcrumb component within a container and use the appropriate flex or grid classes to achieve the desired alignment. For example, to center-align breadcrumbs:

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
    <ol class="breadcrumb">
      <!-- Breadcrumb items here -->

Can I add additional information or context to individual breadcrumb items?

Yes, you can enhance the context of breadcrumb items by adding additional information, tooltips, or even custom HTML content. For example, you could use Bootstrap's tooltips to display extra information when users hover over certain breadcrumb items.

<li class="breadcrumb-item">
  <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Visit the homepage">

Can I use Bootstrap breadcrumbs with other Bootstrap components?

Absolutely. Bootstrap breadcrumbs can be used alongside other Bootstrap components like navigation bars, buttons, modals, and more. Combining these components can create a cohesive and visually consistent user experience throughout your website.

Can I disable Bootstrap breadcrumbs on certain pages or sections of my website?

Yes, you can disable Bootstrap breadcrumbs on certain pages or sections by not including the breadcrumb code in the HTML for those specific pages. If you're generating breadcrumbs dynamically, you can conditionally choose whether to render the breadcrumbs based on the current page's content.

How do I handle cases where the breadcrumb text is too long for the available space?

If breadcrumb text is too long for the available space, you can consider using CSS properties like text-overflow and white-space to control text truncation and wrapping. Additionally, tooltips can provide users with the full text when they hover over the breadcrumb item.

Do Bootstrap breadcrumbs work well with search engines and SEO?

Yes, Bootstrap breadcrumbs are implemented using semantic HTML elements, which search engines can interpret. Providing clear navigation through breadcrumbs can indirectly contribute to SEO by helping search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of your website's content.


Bootstrap Breadcrumb Navigation emerges as a robust and versatile tool for enhancing user navigation within a website. By meticulously crafting a clear Navigation Path and utilizing the capabilities of Creating Breadcrumb Navigation with Bootstrap, developers can establish a seamless journey for users through the digital landscape.

The importance of a well-defined Breadcrumb Structure cannot be overstated. It serves as a fundamental guide, providing users with a contextual understanding of their location within the website's content hierarchy. Customizing Breadcrumbs is a key aspect of this process, allowing designers to tailor the navigation system to match the unique aesthetic and functional requirements of their project.

Navigation Hierarchy is intelligently conveyed through the Breadcrumb Styling, creating a visually cohesive and intuitive experience for users. Implementing Navigation Links within the Breadcrumb Trail further enriches the user journey, turning the Bread Crumb Bar into a reliable Navigation Indicator. This visual cue becomes instrumental in helping users orient themselves and traverse the site with ease.

The ability to Customize Bootstrap Breadcrumb Icons, Modifying Breadcrumb Indicators, and undertaking Breadcrumbs Arrow Adjustment provides developers with the means to add a distinctive touch to the user interface. Switch Breadcrumb Symbols in Navigation and Adjusting Icons in the Breadcrumb Trail enable a high level of personalization, ensuring that the navigation elements seamlessly integrate with the overall design language of the website.

In a nutshell, the combination of Creating a Breadcrumb Trail, Crafting a Bread Crumb Bar, and Offering a clear Navigation Indicator, coupled with the customization options such as Customize Arrow Icons and Changing Symbols in Breadcrumb Navigation, empowers developers to deliver a user-friendly and visually appealing navigation experience. Bootstrap Breadcrumb Navigation, with its flexibility and extensive customization possibilities, stands as a valuable asset for creating websites that not only inform but also guide users in a way that feels both natural and intuitive.