Bootstrap Images

Users you will learn discover how to use Bootstrap to design photos and create responsive videos and pictures in this tutorial.

Styling Images with Bootstrap

Images are frequently used in modern web design. Therefore, it's crucial to style and position them effectively on web pages to enhance the user experience.

By utilizing Bootstrap's built-in classes, you can easily customize images, giving them rounded corners, circular shapes, or adding effects like thumbnails.

<img src="trees.png" class="rounded" alt="Rounded Image">
    <img src="trees.png" class="rounded-circle" alt="Circular Image">
    <img src="trees.png" class="img-thumbnail" alt="Thumbnail Image">

Creating Responsive Images and Videos

Using Bootstrap, you have the ability to create responsive images easily. All you need to do is include the class .img-fluid in the <img> tag. This class primarily applies styles such as max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image, ensuring that it adapts smoothly to the size of its container. This is particularly useful when the image's width exceeds that of the container, as it prevents any potential display issues. Take a look at the following example to see this functionality in action.

<h2>Non-Responsive Image</h2>
    <div class="box">
       <img src="trees.png" > </div>
    <h2>Responsive Image</h2>
    <div class="box">
        <img src="trees.png" class="img-fluid" alt="trees"></div>

Note: When designing responsive layouts, it's essential to make images responsive as well. If an image's width exceeds that of its parent element, it might overflow and negatively impact the web page's overall appearance.

Bootstrap also allows you to embed videos or slideshows in web pages while maintaining their original aspect ratio. Simply wrap the <iframe> or <video> within a <div> element and apply the classes .embed-responsive and an aspect ratio class like .embed-responsive-16by9 to ensure optimal responsiveness.

Optionally, you have the choice to apply a specific nested class called .embed-responsive-item to the embedded element to match the styling for other attributes. Here's an example:

<iframe src="" type="video/mp4"  title="YouTube video" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe src="" type="video/mp4"  title="YouTube video" allowfullscreen></iframe>

In the provided example, we have created four responsive embedded videos with different aspect ratios (21:9, 16:9, 4:3, and 1:1) by utilizing the classes .ratio-21x9, .ratio-16x9, .ratio-4x3, and .ratio-1x1, respectively. Additionally, we used the base class .ratio on the wrapper element.

Tip: The aspect ratio of an image defines the proportional relationship between its width and height. Two common videographic aspect ratios are 16:9 and 4:3.

Horizontal Alignment of Images

To horizontally align inline images at the center and right, you can employ text alignment classes like .text-center and .text-end on the parent container. Similarly, you can align images to the left and right within a larger box using the classes .float-start and .float-end.

However,for block-level images, achieving center alignment requires using the .mx-auto margin utility class. To better understand this, let's take a look at the following example:

<img src="trees.png"alt="trees">
        <img src= "trees.png"alt="Sample Image">
        <img src= "trees.png" alt="Sample Image">
        <img src="trees.png" class="float-start" alt="Sample Image">
        <img src="trees.png" class="float-end" alt="Sample Image">


How can I include an image in a Bootstrap project?

To include an image in a Bootstrap project, you can use the <img> HTML element. Here's an example of how you can do this within a Bootstrap context:

<div class="container">
    <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid">

In this example, the img-fluid class ensures that the image is responsive and adjusts its size according to the screen width.

How can I create a responsive image using Bootstrap classes?

Bootstrap provides several classes to make images responsive. The img-fluid class, as shown in the previous example, is one of them. It allows the image to scale proportionally with the container. Additionally, you can use the d-block class to make the image a block-level element and mx-auto to center it horizontally:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto">

Can I apply rounded corners to images in Bootstrap?

Yes, you can apply rounded corners to images using the rounded class in Bootstrap. You can also control the degree of roundness using rounded-circle for a circular image or rounded-0 for no rounded corners. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid rounded">

How can I create a responsive grid of images using Bootstrap's grid system?

Bootstrap's grid system allows you to create responsive layouts easily. To create a grid of images, use the row class to create a row and the col-* classes to define the column width. For instance, to create a grid of three images in equal-width columns:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
      <img src="path/to/image1.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
      <img src="path/to/image2.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
      <img src="path/to/image3.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid">

Remember to adjust the col-* classes according to the desired layout and screen sizes.

How can I add captions to images in Bootstrap?

To add captions to images in Bootstrap, you can use the figure and figcaption elements. Here's an example:

<figure class="figure">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Description of the image" class="img-fluid">
  <figcaption class="figure-caption">A beautiful sunset</figcaption>

Using the figure and figcaption elements provides semantic meaning to your image captions.

How can I create a responsive background image using Bootstrap?

To create a responsive background image using Bootstrap, you can apply the background image to a container element and use utility classes for responsiveness. Here's an example:

<div class="bg-image" style="background-image: url('path/to/background-image.jpg');">
  <div class="container">
    <!-- Your content here -->

You can also use the bg-* classes provided by Bootstrap to add additional styling to the background image container, such as controlling the position and size of the background image.

How can I create an image carousel or slideshow in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap provides a built-in component called the "Carousel" that allows you to create an image slideshow easily.

Can I make images in a Bootstrap card responsive?

Yes, you can make images within Bootstrap cards responsive by using the img-fluid class on the images. For example:

<div class="card">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="card-img-top img-fluid">
  <div class="card-body">
    <h5 class="card-title">Card Title</h5>
    <p class="card-text">Some text here.</p>

The img-fluid class ensures that the image scales properly within the card and maintains its responsiveness.

How can I align images horizontally or vertically in Bootstrap?

To align images horizontally, you can use Bootstrap's alignment classes such as text-left, text-center, and text-right. For vertical alignment, you can use utility classes like align-top, align-middle, and align-bottom. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid text-center align-middle">

These classes will help you achieve the desired alignment of your images.

How can I create a responsive image gallery using Bootstrap's grid system?

You can create a responsive image gallery by leveraging Bootstrap's grid system. Here's an example of how you can create a basic image gallery with three images per row:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <img src="image3.jpg" alt="Image 3" class="img-fluid">
  <!-- Add more rows and columns for additional images -->

In this example, each image is placed within a col-md-4 column to ensure that there are three images per row on medium-sized screens and above.

How can I create a circular image in Bootstrap?

You can create a circular image by using the rounded-circle class in Bootstrap. Here's how you can do it:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid rounded-circle">

The rounded-circle class will apply rounded corners to the image, making it circular.

Can I add a border to an image in Bootstrap?

Yes, you can add a border to an image using the border utility class in Bootstrap. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid border">

You can also customize the border style, color, and width by combining the border class with additional Bootstrap border classes such as border-primary, border-2, etc.

How can I create a responsive image with a caption?

To create a responsive image with a caption, you can use the figure and figcaption elements, along with Bootstrap's responsive image class. Here's an example:

<figure class="figure">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid">
  <figcaption class="figure-caption">A beautiful landscape</figcaption>

The img-fluid class ensures that the image scales properly, and the figure-caption class styles the caption text.

How can I make images stack vertically on smaller screens using Bootstrap?

To make images stack vertically on smaller screens, you can use Bootstrap's grid breakpoints and responsive classes. Here's an example:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2" class="img-fluid">

In this example, the images will be displayed side by side on medium-sized screens and above, and they will stack vertically on smaller screens.

How can I make an image a link using Bootstrap?

You can turn an image into a link by wrapping the <img> element within an anchor <a> element. Here's an example:

<a href="">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid">

By doing this, clicking on the image will redirect the user to the specified URL.

Can I add a tooltip to an image in Bootstrap?

Yes, you can add a tooltip to an image using Bootstrap's built-in tooltip component. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click to view details">

You'll also need to initialize the tooltips using JavaScript:

                    $(document).ready(function () {

Now, when users hover over the image, a tooltip with the specified title will appear.

How can I make images adjust their size while maintaining aspect ratio using Bootstrap?

To make images adjust their size while maintaining the aspect ratio, you can use the img-fluid class along with the d-block class to center-align the image. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto">

This combination of classes will ensure that the image resizes proportionally and stays centered within its container.

Can I control the width and height of an image using Bootstrap?

Yes, you can control the width and height of an image using Bootstrap classes. For example, you can set a specific width and height using the w-* and h-* classes, where * is a number from 25 to 100:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="w-50 h-50">

This example will set the image to have 50% width and 50% height of its original dimensions.

How can I create an image with a responsive rounded border in Bootstrap?

To create an image with a responsive rounded border, you can combine the img-fluid class with the rounded class for rounded corners. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid rounded border">

This will create an image with rounded corners and a border that adjusts responsively.

How can I create an image with an overlay in Bootstrap?

You can create an image with an overlay by placing the image and an overlay element (e.g., a <div>) within a container. Apply the overlay styles using CSS. Here's an example:

<div class="image-container position-relative">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid">
  <div class="overlay"></div>

Then, apply CSS to style the overlay:

.image-container {
  position: relative;

.overlay {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Adjust the color and opacity as needed */

How can I make images appear on a grid with different aspect ratios using Bootstrap?

If you want to display images with varying aspect ratios in a grid, you can use the aspect-ratio utility class introduced in newer versions of Bootstrap (starting from Bootstrap 5). Here's how:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row g-3">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="ratio ratio-4x3">
        <img src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="ratio ratio-16x9">
        <img src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="ratio ratio-1x1">
        <img src="image3.jpg" alt="Image 3">

In this example, the ratio classes ensure that images maintain their aspect ratios within the grid.

How can I create a responsive image with a border and padding in Bootstrap?

To create a responsive image with a border and padding, you can use the img-fluid, rounded, and p-* (padding) classes. Here's an example:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid rounded border p-3">

The p-3 class adds padding to the image, creating space between the image and the border.

Can I make images grayscale using Bootstrap classes?

Yes, you can make images grayscale using custom CSS and the filter property. Bootstrap doesn't have a specific class for grayscale, but you can achieve it like this:

<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid grayscale">

Then, add the following CSS to apply grayscale:

.grayscale {
  filter: grayscale(100%);

Remember that some visual effects, like grayscale, might require custom CSS since they are not directly provided by Bootstrap's utility classes.

How can I create an image with a lightbox effect using Bootstrap?

To create an image with a lightbox effect, you can use a third-party library like "Lightbox" along with Bootstrap. Here's a simplified example using the "Lightbox2" library:

<a href="path/to/larger/image.jpg" data-lightbox="image">
  <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid">

<!-- Include Lightbox2 script and CSS -->
<link href="path/to/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="path/to/lightbox.js"></script>

This example enables a lightbox effect when users click on the image. Make sure to follow the documentation of the specific lightbox library you choose.

How can I create a stacked layout with text over an image in Bootstrap?

To create a stacked layout with text over an image, you can use the position-absolute class for the text container and adjust its positioning. Here's an example:

<div class="image-container position-relative">
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" class="img-fluid">
  <div class="text-container position-absolute top-0 start-0">
    <p>Subtitle or description</p>

You can customize the positioning using Bootstrap's positioning classes like top-*, bottom-*, start-*, and end-*.


Bootstrap empowers web designers and developers with a wide array of tools and classes for creating and enhancing responsive images. The framework emphasizes adaptability, ensuring that images are displayed optimally across various devices and screen sizes. The introduction of picture elements in Bootstrap simplifies the task of managing images for responsiveness, allowing for a dynamic and flexible presentation. You can fine-tune image placement and customize image display, creating visuals that fit your specific design requirements.

Bootstrap offers a range of image classes designed to provide adaptability and mobile-friendly image design, making it easier to present visual content in a way that suits your audience's needs. With Bootstrap, you can effortlessly create flexible visuals and ensure that images are scaled to fit all devices. Responsive image attributes and dynamic image display options provide the necessary tools for a responsive image design.

The framework encourages the creation of images that can adapt to various screens, facilitating flexible image placement and the customization of image alignment. You can achieve precision image placement and create visuals that are tailored for optimal impact. Additionally, Bootstrap offers solutions for styling images with borders, allowing you to add edges and create stylish image frames. The inclusion of rounded corners and custom image borders enables you to design visuals that stand out.

Bootstrap enriches web design by seamlessly integrating image captions and enabling text overlay on images. It fosters a harmonious combination of images and text, responsive to various devices. Displaying text alongside images and using inline text with images becomes effortless. Text alignment with images is precise and customizable. Bootstrap's alignment classes provide both centered image alignment and precise alignment horizontally and vertically, enabling designers to create visually appealing and responsive content effectively.