CSS Attribute Selectors

CSS, introduces powerful tools like the CSS attr selector and CSS property selector. Understanding how to harness the potential of CSS selectors with attributes and navigating the intricacies of CSS attributes is crucial for crafting visually appealing and responsive designs. Explore the versatility from basic [attribute] selectors to the nuanced [attribute~="value"] and [attribute="value"] variants and including specialized options like [attribute^="value"] and [attribute$="value"]. In this exploration, we delve into the significance of CSS selectors by attribute and the nuances of the CSS input type selector.

Understanding the Attribute Selectors

The CSS attribute selectors offer a convenient and powerful method to apply styles to HTML elements based on the presence of specific attributes or attribute values.

To create an attribute selector, you enclose the attribute, optionally with a value, within square brackets. You can also combine it with an element type selector.

CSS [attribute] Selector

The simplest form of an attribute selector applies style rules to an element if a particular attribute exists. For instance, you can style all elements that have a title attribute using the following rules:

[title] {

The [title] selector in the above example targets all elements that have a title attribute.

To narrow down the selection to a specific HTML element, you can combine the attribute selector with an element type selector like this:

abbr[title] {
	color: blue;

The abbr[title] selector only matches <abbr> elements with a title attribute, excluding anchor elements with a title attribute.

CSS [attribute="value"] Selector

Using the = operator, you can make an attribute selector match elements whose attribute value is an exact match to a given value:

input[type="text"] {
    border:3px solid orange;
input[type="submit"] {
    border:3px solid yellow;

The selector in the example above matches all <input> elements with a type attribute that has a value equal to submit.

CSS [attribute~="value"] Selector

By using the ~= operator, you can make an attribute selector match elements whose attribute value is a space-separated list containing an exact value:(class="alert warning")

[class~="warning"] {
    color: #fff;
    background: red;

This selector matches HTML elements with a class attribute containing space-separated values, one of which is warning. It matches elements with class values such as warning, alert warning, etc.

CSS [attribute|="value"] Selector

To make an attribute selector match elements with an attribute that has a hyphen-separated list of values starting with a specified value, you can use the |= operator:

p[lang|=en] {
    color: green;
    background: yellow;

The selector in the example above matches all elements with a lang attribute that starts with en, regardless of whether it is followed by a hyphen and additional characters. It matches elements with lang values like en, en-US, en-GB, but not US-en or GB-en.

CSS [attribute^="value"] Selector

Using the ^= operator, you can make an attribute selector match elements whose attribute value starts with a specified value, even if it's not a complete word:

a[href^="http://"] {
   color: red;

The selector in the example above targets all external links (which starts with "http://") and adds a small icon indicating that they will open in a new tab or window.

CSS [attribute$="value"] Selector

Similarly, the $= operator selects elements whose attribute value ends with a specified value, which doesn't have to be a complete word:

a[href$=".pdf"] {
	color: red;

The selector in the example above selects all <a> elements that link to a PDF document and adds a small PDF icon to provide a hint to the user about the link.

CSS [attribute*="value"] Selector

To match elements with an attribute value that contains a specified value, you can use the *= operator:

[class*="warning"] {
    color: yellow;
    background: red;

The selector in the example above matches all HTML elements with a class attribute containing the value warning. It matches elements with class values like warning, alert warning, alert-warning, or alert_warning, etc.

Styling Forms with Attribute Selectors

Attribute selectors are particularly useful for styling forms without relying on class or id attributes.

input[type="text"], input[type="password"] {
    width: 155px;
    display: purple;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    background: orange;
input[type="submit"] {
    padding: 3px 13px;
    border: 1px solid red;
    background: yellow;


What is a CSS attribute selector, and how does it work?

A CSS attribute selector is a way to target HTML elements based on their attributes and attribute values. It allows you to apply styles to elements that have specific attributes or specific values within those attributes. To use an attribute selector, you enclose the attribute and value in square brackets [].

What is a basic example of a CSS attribute selector?

A basic example is targeting all <a> (anchor) elements with a target attribute. You can achieve this with the following selector: a[target]. This will select all anchor elements that have a target attribute, regardless of its value.

How can you target elements with a specific attribute value using CSS attribute selectors?

To target elements with a specific attribute value, you can use the equality operator (=) inside the square brackets. For instance, if you want to select all <input> elements with a type attribute set to "text," you can use the selector input[type="text"].

What is the difference between the attribute selector = and the attribute selector ^= in CSS?

The = operator selects elements with an exact match of the attribute value, while the ^= operator selects elements with an attribute value that starts with a specific string. For example, a[href^="https://"] selects all anchor elements whose href attribute starts with "https://".

How can you select elements with attributes that contain a specific word or value in CSS?

You can use the *= operator to select elements with attributes that contain a specific word or value. For example, img[alt*="logo"] selects all <img> elements with an alt attribute containing the word "logo."

Is it possible to select elements with attributes that end with a specific value in CSS?

Yes, you can use the $= operator to select elements with attributes that end with a specific value. For instance, a[href$=".pdf"] selects all anchor elements whose href attribute ends with ".pdf."

How can you target elements with attributes that don't have a specific value using CSS attribute selectors?

To select elements with attributes that exist but don't have a specific value, you can use the attribute selector without specifying a value. For example, input[type] selects all <input> elements that have a type attribute, regardless of its value.

What is the use of the ~ operator in CSS attribute selectors?

The ~ operator is used to select elements with a specific attribute that is separated by whitespace from a given value. For instance, input[type~="checkbox"] selects all <input> elements with a type attribute containing "checkbox" as one of the space-separated values.

How can you select elements with attributes that start with a specific character or string in CSS?

You can use the ^= operator to target elements with attributes that start with a specific character or string. For example, input[name^="user"] selects all <input> elements with a name attribute starting with "user."

What is the purpose of the $= operator in CSS attribute selectors, and can it be used with URLs?

The $= operator is used to select elements with attributes that end with a specific character or string. While it's often used for attributes like file extensions, it can also be used with URLs. For example, a[href$=".pdf"] selects all anchor elements whose href attribute ends with ".pdf."

How can you select elements with attributes that contain a value at the beginning, middle, or end of a space-separated list of values?

You can use the *= operator to select elements with attributes containing a specific value anywhere within a space-separated list. For example, div[data-values*="blue"] selects all <div> elements with a data-values attribute containing "blue" anywhere in the list.


The mastery of attribute selectors in CSS is fundamental for any web designer or developer. The CSS attr selector and CSS property selector form the backbone of this proficiency, allowing for precise and targeted styling. Understanding how to use CSS selectors with attributes and strategically employing CSS attributes is pivotal in achieving design consistency and responsiveness.

The foundational CSS [attribute] selector and advanced options like [attribute="value"], [attribute~="value"], and others empower you to tailor styles to specific attributes and values. They provide a flexible and efficient way to apply styles to elements that meet certain criteria, such as matching specific attribute values, starting or ending with a particular string, or even having attributes present or absent. Attribute selectors offer increased control and customization over styling, allowing for dynamic and responsive web design.

The art of selecting elements by attribute with CSS selectors by attribute and refining styles with the CSS input type selector enhances your toolkit for crafting unique and polished web designs.