CSS3 Multi-Column Layouts

Dive into the world of CSS columns—a design powerhouse. From basic two-column layouts to advanced settings like CSS3 multiple columns properties, learn to craft engaging and organized web layouts by mastering settings such as column count, width, gap, and rules. Elevate your design game with the art of creating multi-column layouts.

Creating Multi-Column Layouts

The CSS3 introduces the multi-column layout module, which provides an easy and efficient way to create layouts with multiple columns, resembling those found in magazines and newspapers, without the need for floating boxes. Below is a simple example that demonstrates splitting text into three columns using the CSS3 multiple column layout feature.

p {
    -webkit-column-count: 3; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -moz-column-count: 3; /* Firefox */
    column-count: 3; /* Standard syntax */

Setting Column Count or Width

The CSS properties column-count and column-width govern the presence and appearance of columns. The column-count sets the number of columns within the multi column element, while column-width establishes the desired width of the columns.

p {
    -webkit-column-width: 150px; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -moz-column-width: 150px; /* Firefox */
    column-width: 150px; /* Standard syntax */

Note: The column-width property defines the ideal width of the columns. However, the actual width may vary, depending on the available space. It is important to note that column-width should not be used in conjunction with column-count.

Setting Column Gap

To control the spacing between columns, you can utilize the column-gap property. This property applies the same gap between each column, with the default value of "normal," equivalent to 1em.

p {
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -webkit-column-count: 3;
    -webkit-column-gap: 100px;
    /* Firefox */
    -moz-column-count: 3;
    -moz-column-gap: 100px;
    /* Standard syntax */
    column-count: 3;
    column-gap: 100px;

Setting Column Rules

Additionally, you have the option to include a vertical line between columns, known as a column rule, by utilizing the column-rule property. This property serves as a shorthand for specifying the width, style, and color of the rule in a single declaration. The column-rule property accepts the same values as border and outline.

p {
    /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -webkit-column-count: 3;
    -webkit-column-gap: 100px;
    -webkit-column-rule: 3px solid blue;
    /* Firefox */
    -moz-column-count: 3;
    -moz-column-gap: 10px;
    -moz-column-rule: 3px solid blue;
    /* Standard syntax */
    column-count: 3;
    column-gap: 100px;
    column-rule: 3px solid blue;

Note: It is worth mentioning that the width of the column rule does not impact the width of the column boxes. However, if the column rule is wider than the gap between columns, the adjacent column boxes will overlap the rule.

CSS3 Multiple Columns Properties

The table below offers a high-level summary of all the features of numerous columns:

  • column-count: This property determines the number of columns within a multi-column element.
  • column-fill: It specifies how content is distributed across columns.
  • column-gap: It controls the space between columns.
  • column-rule: It allows for the inclusion of a straight line or rule between each column.
  • column-rule-color: It sets the color of the rule between columns.
  • column-rule-style: It determines the style of the rule between columns.
  • column-rule-width: It defines the width of the rule between columns.
  • column-span: It specifies the number of columns that an element spans across.
  • column-width: It describes the optimal width of the columns..
  • columns: This property serves as a shorthand for setting both the column-width and column-count properties simultaneously.


What is CSS3 Multi-Column Layout, and what problem does it solve?

CSS3 Multi-Column Layout is a CSS feature that allows you to divide the content of an element into multiple columns, similar to how text appears in newspapers and magazines. It solves the problem of efficiently organizing and presenting long blocks of text on a webpage, making it easier for users to read and navigate through content.

How do you enable multi-column layout for an element in CSS3?

You can enable multi-column layout for an element by using the column-count or column-width property in CSS3. For example, to create a two-column layout, you can use column-count: 2; or column-width: 200px;, depending on your design preference.

How do you control the gap or space between columns in a multi-column layout?

You can control the gap between columns using the column-gap property in CSS3. This property specifies the width of the gap between columns. For example, column-gap: 20px; will create a 20-pixel gap between columns.

Can you create a balanced multi-column layout where columns have approximately equal content height?

Yes, you can create a balanced multi-column layout using the column-fill property. Setting column-fill: balance; will attempt to balance the content equally between columns, ensuring that they have approximately equal content height. This property is particularly useful when dealing with content of varying lengths.

How can you force a specific element to span across all columns in a multi-column layout?

To make a specific element span across all columns in a multi-column layout, you can use the break-inside property with the value avoid. For example:

.my-element {
  break-inside: avoid;

This will prevent the element from breaking across columns and force it to stay within a single column.

How do you handle content that overflows from a column in a multi-column layout?

Content that overflows from a column can be controlled using the overflow property. By default, content will overflow and be hidden. You can change this behavior by setting overflow to auto or visible to allow content to overflow and be visible, or scroll to provide scrollbars when content exceeds the column height.

.my-element {
  overflow: auto; /* Enable scrollbars for overflow content */

Can you create a multi-column layout that flows from left to right instead of top to bottom for languages that read right to left (RTL)?

Yes, you can create RTL multi-column layouts by setting the direction property to rtl on the containing element. This will make the columns flow from left to right, which is the appropriate reading direction for RTL languages like Arabic and Hebrew.

.my-element {
  direction: rtl; /* Right-to-left direction for RTL languages */

What is the difference between CSS Grid Layout and CSS Multi-Column Layout?

CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional layout system that allows you to create complex grid structures, whereas CSS Multi-Column Layout is primarily designed for dividing content into multiple columns for readability. CSS Grid is more versatile and suitable for overall page layout, while Multi-Column Layout is better for text-heavy content.

How can you create a multi-column layout that dynamically adjusts the number of columns based on available space?

Creating a multi-column layout that dynamically adjusts based on available space can be achieved using media queries and CSS properties like column-count or column-width. You can set different values for these properties at different screen sizes to adapt the layout.

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  .my-element {
    column-count: 1; /* Single column layout for smaller screens */

@media screen and (min-width: 769px) {
  .my-element {
    column-count: 2; /* Two-column layout for larger screens */

This way, the number of columns will change as the screen size changes.


CSS3 multi-column layouts provide a flexible and efficient way to structure and present content in multiple columns on web pages. With CSS3, you can divide content into columns, specifying the number of columns, column widths, and column gaps. CSS3 multi-column layouts offer improved readability, especially for text-heavy content, by allowing for better utilization of available screen space. This feature also enhances responsive design, as columns can automatically adjust based on the available width.

By delving into concepts such as columns with CSS, two-column layouts, and leveraging CSS3 multiple columns properties, developers can craft dynamic and visually appealing designs. Fine-tuning layouts through setting column count, width, gap, and rules provides nuanced control over the presentation of content. The flexibility offered by CSS multi-column layouts not only enhances the aesthetics but also contributes to a more efficient utilization of screen space.