jQuery Ajax() Method

In this blog post, we'll explore the $.ajax() method and provide practical examples of how to use it effectively.

Understanding the jQuery ajax() Method

The $.ajax() method in jQuery is a versatile and powerful function for making asynchronous HTTP requests to a server. It is a part of the jQuery library and provides an easy-to-use way to interact with web servers, retrieve data, and update web pages without requiring a full page reload. Here's a basic syntax of $.ajax() method:

  url: "your_server_endpoint",
  method: "GET", // or "POST" or other HTTP methods
  data: { key1: value1, key2: value2 }, // Data to be sent to the server
  success: function(response) {
    // Code to handle a successful response
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Code to handle an error response
  • url: This is the URL of the server resource you want to request.
  • method: Specifies the HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to use for the request.
  • data: You can provide data to be sent to the server, which can be in the form of query parameters or a request payload.
  • success: A callback function that executes when the request is successful. It receives the server's response as an argument.
  • error: Another callback function that is triggered if an error occurs during the request. It provides information about the error, such as the jqXHR object, textStatus, and errorThrown.

Additional parameters can be used to customize the request further, such as headers, dataType, timeout, and more.

Fetching Data

To fetch data using the ajax() method in jQuery, you can use it to send an asynchronous HTTP request to a server and retrieve data from a specified URL. The ajax() method allows you to customize the request and handle the response as needed. Here's a basic example of how to use the ajax() method to fetch data:

url: "date-time.aspx",
method: "GET",
success: function (response) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

Sending Data

Now, let's explore how to send data to the server. Suppose we have a user registration form, and we want to submit the form data to a server for processing.

<form id="registrationForm">
  <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username">
  <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">
  <button type="submit">Register</button>

$("#registrationForm").submit(function(event) {
  event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting traditionally
  var formData = $(this).serialize(); // Serialize form data
    url: "https://sample.com/register",
    method: "POST",
    data: formData,
    success: function(response) {
      // Handle the successful registration response
      console.log("Registration successful:", response);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
      // Handle registration errors
      console.error("Registration error:", textStatus, errorThrown);

In this example, we intercept the form submission using jQuery's submit() event handler. We serialize the form data into a format suitable for sending via AJAX, and then we send a POST request to the "/register" endpoint. The server processes the registration and sends a response.

Handling JSON Data

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a common data format used for AJAX communication. When working with JSON data, you can specify the dataType option in your $.ajax() request to ensure that jQuery parses the response correctly.

  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  dataType: "json", // Specify JSON as the expected data type
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the JSON response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here
    console.error("Error:", textStatus, errorThrown);

By setting dataType to "json", jQuery will automatically parse the response into a JavaScript object, making it easier to work with.


jQuery caches GET requests by default to improve performance. You can disable caching using the cache option by setting it to false to ensure you always get fresh data.

  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  cache: false,
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

Async Option

By default, AJAX requests are asynchronous, but you can make them synchronous (blocking) by setting the async option to "false". However, it's generally recommended to use asynchronous requests to avoid freezing the browser.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  async: false,
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

beforeSend and complete Callbacks

You can use the beforeSend and complete callbacks to perform actions before and after the AJAX request, respectively. For instance, you can show a loading spinner before sending the request and hide it after the request completes.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  beforeSend: function() {
    // Code to run before the request is sent
  complete: function() {
    // Code to run after the request is complete
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

Setting Request Headers

Sometimes, you need to send custom headers along with your AJAX request. For example, you might need to include an authentication token or specify the content type. You can do this by setting the headers option.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Authorization": "Bearer your_token",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

In the example above, we're sending an "Authorization" header with a bearer token and specifying that we're sending JSON data in the request body.

Concurrent Requests

In some scenarios, you might need to make multiple AJAX requests concurrently. jQuery allows you to manage these requests using techniques like Promises. Here's an example of making multiple requests and handling them concurrently:

// Create an array of AJAX request promises
var requests = [
  $.ajax({ url: "https://sample.com/resource1", method: "GET" }),
  $.ajax({ url: "https://sample.com/resource2", method: "GET" }),
  $.ajax({ url: "https://sample.com/resource3", method: "GET" })

// Use jQuery.when to handle all requests when they complete
$.when.apply($, requests)
  .then(function(response1, response2, response3) {
    // Handle responses here
    console.log("Response 1:", response1);
    console.log("Response 2:", response2);
    console.log("Response 3:", response3);
  .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here
    console.error("Error:", textStatus, errorThrown);

In this example, we create an array of AJAX request promises and use jQuery .when to wait for all of them to complete. This is useful when you need to perform multiple independent AJAX requests and process their responses collectively.

Timeouts and Abort

You can set a timeout for your AJAX requests to ensure they don't take too long to complete. If the timeout is reached, you can abort the request. This is particularly useful for preventing long-running requests from blocking your application.

var xhr = $.ajax({
  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  timeout: 5000, // Set a timeout of 5 seconds
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

// To abort the request

Global AJAX Events

jQuery also provides global AJAX event handlers that can be used to manage AJAX requests and responses across your entire application. These events include ajaxStart(), ajaxStop(), ajaxSend(), ajaxComplete(), and ajaxError(). You can attach functions to these events to execute code globally.

$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
  // Code to run when any AJAX request starts

$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
  // Code to run when all AJAX requests have completed

JSONP Requests

JSONP (JSON with Padding) is a technique for making cross-domain AJAX requests in older browsers that do not support CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). jQuery makes it easy to perform JSONP requests by specifying the dataType as "jsonp" and appending a callback parameter to the URL.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource?callback=?",
  dataType: "jsonp",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful JSONP response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

Chaining Multiple Requests

jQuery's method chaining allows you to chain multiple AJAX requests together, making it easier to manage complex workflows. You can use the then() method to specify what should happen after each request completes.

  url: "https://sample.com/first",
  method: "GET"
.then(function(response) {
  // Handle the first response
  return $.ajax({
    url: "https://sample.com/second",
    method: "GET"
.then(function(response) {
  // Handle the second response
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  // Handle errors for any of the requests

Serialization of Complex Data

When sending complex data like arrays or objects, you can use JSON.stringify() to serialize the data and set the contentType option to ensure the server understands the data format.

var dataToSend = { name: "John", hobbies: ["Reading", "Gardening"] };

  url: "https://sample.com/save",
  method: "POST",
  data: JSON.stringify(dataToSend),
  contentType: "application/json",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

Advanced Error Handling

For more advanced error handling, you can inspect the response status code to differentiate between various error scenarios. For example, you might want to handle a "401" Unauthorized differently from a "404" Not Found.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    if (jqXHR.status === 401) {
      // Handle unauthorized access
    } else if (jqXHR.status === 404) {
      // Handle resource not found
    } else {
      // Handle other errors


What is the jQuery $.ajax() method, and what is its primary purpose?

The $.ajax() method in jQuery is a versatile function used to make asynchronous HTTP requests to a server, enabling dynamic interactions with web servers without the need for full page reloads.

How can you make a simple GET request using $.ajax()?

You can make a GET request like this:

  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

How do you send data with a POST request using $.ajax()?

To send data with a POST request, you can use the data option:

  url: "https://sample.com/save",
  method: "POST",
  data: { name: "John", age: 30 },
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

What are the key parameters used in the $.ajax() method?

The key parameters include url, method, data, success, and error. These parameters are used to specify the request details and handlers for success and error scenarios.

How can you set custom request headers with $.ajax()?

You can set custom headers using the headers option:

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Authorization": "Bearer your_token"

What is the purpose of the dataType option in $.ajax()?

The dataType option specifies the expected data type of the response. Common values include "json," "xml," "html," "text," and "script." jQuery will parse the response accordingly.

What is the purpose of the timeout option in $.ajax()?

The timeout option sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) that the request is allowed to take before it is considered an error.

How can you prevent AJAX requests from being cached with $.ajax()?

You can prevent caching by setting the cache option to false:

  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  cache: false

How can you make synchronous (blocking) AJAX requests with $.ajax()?

By default, AJAX requests are asynchronous. To make synchronous requests, you can set the async option to false. However, this is discouraged as it can freeze the browser.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  async: false

What is the difference between $.ajax() and $.get() in jQuery?

$.ajax() is a general-purpose method for making AJAX requests with full control over the request and response handling. $.get() is a shorthand method specifically for making GET requests with simplified syntax.

// Using $.ajax()
  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here

// Using $.get()
$.get("https://sample.com/data", function(response) {
  // Handle the successful response here

12. How can you handle AJAX requests and responses globally with jQuery?

You can use jQuery's global AJAX event handlers like ajaxStart, ajaxStop, ajaxSend, ajaxComplete, and ajaxError to manage AJAX requests and responses across your entire application.

$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
  // Code to run when any AJAX request starts

$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
  // Code to run when all AJAX requests have completed

JSONP (JSON with Padding) is a technique for making cross-domain AJAX requests. You can use it by specifying dataType: "jsonp" and adding a callback parameter to the URL.

How can you chain multiple AJAX requests together using $.ajax()?

You can chain requests by using the then() method to specify what should happen after each request completes.

  url: "https://sample.com/first",
  method: "GET"
.then(function(response) {
  // Handle the first response
  return $.ajax({
    url: "https://sample.com/second",
    method: "GET"
.then(function(response) {
  // Handle the second response
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  // Handle errors for any of the requests

What is the purpose of the beforeSend and complete callbacks in $.ajax()?

The beforeSend callback allows you to perform actions before the AJAX request is sent, and the complete callback allows you to perform actions after the request is complete.

  url: "https://sample.com/resource",
  method: "GET",
  beforeSend: function() {
    // Code to run before the request is sent
  complete: function() {
    // Code to run after the request is complete
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

How can you perform concurrent AJAX requests and handle them collectively with $.ajax()?

You can make multiple AJAX requests concurrently and use $.when to handle them when they all complete.

var request1 = $.ajax({
  url: "https://sample.com/resource1",
  method: "GET"

var request2 = $.ajax({
  url: "https://sample.com/resource2",
  method: "GET"

$.when(request1, request2)
  .done(function(response1, response2) {
    // Handle responses collectively
  .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

How can you cancel an ongoing AJAX request made with $.ajax()?

To cancel an ongoing AJAX request, you can save the reference to the request returned by $.ajax() and then call the abort() method on it when needed.

var xhr = $.ajax({
  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

// To cancel the request

How can you send and handle binary data (e.g., images) with $.ajax()?

To send and receive binary data, you can set the dataType to "arraybuffer" or "blob" depending on the expected response type.

  url: "https://sample.com/image",
  method: "GET",
  dataType: "blob", // or "arraybuffer"
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the binary response here
    var imageURL = URL.createObjectURL(response);
    var image = new Image();
    image.src = imageURL;
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here

How can you implement a loading spinner or progress indicator for AJAX requests using $.ajax()?

You can use the beforeSend and complete callbacks to show and hide a loading spinner or progress indicator during AJAX requests.

// Display loading spinner before the request
$(document).ajaxSend(function() {

// Hide loading spinner when the request is complete
$(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

  url: "https://sample.com/data",
  method: "GET",
  success: function(response) {
    // Handle the successful response here
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle errors here


In the vast landscape of web development, the jQuery AJAX() Method has emerged as a cornerstone for streamlined and effective data interaction. The approach to Efficient Data Fetching and Sending has revolutionized the way web applications access and transmit information. Embracing Concurrent Data Requests Handling, it empowers developers to manage multiple requests seamlessly.

Crafting Data Retrieval and Submission Strategies with precision ensures that web applications operate with efficiency and accuracy. The mastery of JSON and JSONP Data Manipulation equips developers to work with diverse data formats. Furthermore, AJAX Data Caching Optimization delivers superior performance, allowing for swift data access.

Tailoring requests with Setting Request Headers and simultaneously handling data requests become standard practices. Global Event Handling for AJAX has ushered in a new era of comprehensive management for asynchronous operations, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

Managing diverse data needs is made possible by Customizing Request Headers, which provides fine-grained control. Timely and reliable data transactions are assured through the methods of Timeout and Abortion of AJAX Operations, and the careful adjustment of Tailored Header Settings maximizes effectiveness.