jQuery Selectors

In this instructional guide, you will gain proficiency in employing jQuery to choose HTML elements effectively.

In web development, Simplified DOM Interaction with jQuery streamlines DOM handling, Selecting and Modifying HTML Elements in jQuery empowers dynamic content creation, Dynamic Element Manipulation in jQuery enhances real-time changes, and Efficient Element Filtering in jQuery optimizes selection.

Selecting Elements with jQuery

JavaScript is primarily used to retrieve or modify the content or values of HTML elements on a webpage and to apply various effects, such as showing, hiding, and animations. However, before you can perform any of these actions, you must first locate or select the specific HTML element you wish to interact with.

Traditional approaches to element selection through JavaScript can be painful, yet jQuery introduces an almost magical solution. Its capacity to simplify and streamline the process of selecting DOM elements is one of its most powerful features.

Tip: jQuery offers support for nearly all selectors defined in the latest CSS3 specifications, and it even introduces its own custom selectors. These custom selectors significantly enhance the capability to select HTML elements on a webpage.

In the following sections, you will explore some of the common methods for selecting elements on a webpage and manipulating them using jQuery.

Element Selection with jQuery streamlines the process of Choosing Elements, offering Efficient Element Picking and precise Element Targeting with built-in jQuery Element Filtering techniques, enhancing the web development workflow.

Selecting Elements by ID

To select a single element with a unique ID on a page, you can employ the ID selector. For instance, the following jQuery code snippet will select and apply a highlight to an element with the ID attribute set to mark when the document has finished loading and is ready for manipulation.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Highlight element with id mark
        $("#mark").css("background", "blue");

In the given example, the $(document).ready() event is utilized to ensure safe manipulation of the page using jQuery. Any code enclosed within this event will execute only after the page's DOM has fully loaded and is ready for interaction.

Harness the power of the jQuery Element ID Selector in conjunction with the HTML ID Selector in jQuery to create a Unique Element Selector. This technique excels at Individual Element Targeting through ID-Based Selection, allowing for Precise ID Targeting of singular elements. With the Single Element Identifier, you can achieve ID-Based Element Selection, making it a cornerstone for jQuery Singular Element Selection in web development.

Selecting Elements by Class Name

You can use the class selector to select one or more elements with a particular css class. When the document is fully loaded and ready for manipulation, the following jQuery code will select elements and apply a highlight to elements that have the class attribute set to "mark".

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Highlight elements with class mark
        $(".mark").css("background", "blue");

With the jQuery CSS Class Selector, you can perform Class-Based Element Manipulation, precisely Selecting Elements by Class, and applying targeted CSS Class Filtering techniques. This allows you to effortlessly enhance the appearance of web elements by Styling Element Sets with jQuery based on their respective CSS classes.

Selecting Elements by Name

You can utilize the element selector to select one or more elements based on their element name. For instance, consider the following jQuery code snippet. It will select and apply a highlight to all the paragraphs, represented by the <p> elements, within the document when it becomes ready for manipulation.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Highlight paragraph elements
        $("p").css("background", "red");

With jQuery Element Name Selection, you can achieve precise Name-Based Element Targeting, leveraging the jQuery Name Attribute Selector to streamline web development. This approach allows you to apply specific actions based on element names, enabling efficient Targeting Elements by HTML Names and facilitating element manipulation with ease.

Selecting Elements by Attribute

The attribute selector in jQuery allows you to choose an element based on one of its HTML attributes, such as a link's target attribute or an input's type attribute.

For instance, take a look at the following jQuery code snippet. It will select and apply a highlight to all text inputs, represented by <input> elements with the type attribute set to text, once the document is ready for manipulation.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Highlight input elements with type=text
        $('input[type="text"]').css("background", "red");

Leverage the power of the jQuery Attribute Selector for precise HTML Attribute-Based Element Selection in your web development projects. With Simplified Attribute Targeting with jQuery, you can streamline your workflow and simplify jQuery Custom Attribute Selection to perform efficient Element Selection by Attribute. This approach empowers you to apply specific actions based on attributes, making it easy to target elements using Targeting Elements by HTML Attributes and conduct seamless Element Manipulation Using Attributes.

Selecting Elements by Compound CSS Selector

You can further enhance the precision of your selections by combining CSS selectors. For instance, it's possible to merge a class selector with an element selector to find elements within a document that possess specific types and classes.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Highlight only paragraph elements with class mark
    $("p.mark").css("background", "blue");

    // Highlight only span elements inside the element with ID mark
    $("#mark span").css("background", "blue");

    // Highlight li elements inside the ul elements
    $("ul li").css("background", "blue");

    // Highlight li elements only inside the ul element with id mark
    $("ul#mark li").css("background", "orange");

    // Highlight li elements inside all the ul element with class mark
    $("ul.mark li").css("background", "blue");

    // Highlight all anchor elements with target blank
    $('a[target="_blank"]').css("background", "blue");

Harness the versatility of the jQuery Compound Selector to simplify your web development tasks. This approach streamlines Selecting Elements by Combined CSS Selectors and empowers you to use the jQuery Multi-Selector, making complex element targeting more accessible. With Complex Selector techniques, you can efficiently combine CSS selectors and execute Multi-Attribute Compound Selector operations, enhancing element manipulation with ease.

jQuery Custom Selector

jQuery introduces its own custom selectors, significantly enhancing the power and flexibility of element selection on a webpage.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Highlight table rows appearing at odd places
    $("tr:odd").css("background", "pink");

    // Highlight table rows appearing at even places
    $("tr:even").css("background", "green");

    // Highlight first paragraph element
    $("p:first").css("background", "orange");

    // Highlight last paragraph element
    $("p:last").css("background", "yellow");

    // Highlight all input elements with type text inside a form
    $("form :text").css("background", "purple");

    // Highlight all input elements with type password inside a form
    $("form :password").css("background", "gray");

    // Highlight all input elements with type submit inside a form
    $("form :submit").css("background", "violet");

Elevate your web development with the flexibility of the jQuery Custom Selector, a personalized approach that enables User-Defined Element Selection. This technique allows for Customized Element Selection, offering an Individualized Selector tailored to your specific needs. Embrace Efficient Custom Selector Usage and experience precise element targeting with Element Targeting with Custom Selectors. For advanced applications, explore Advanced User-Defined Selector Combinations, and create your own Custom Selectors to streamline your web projects.

More Examples of jQuery Selectors

Syntax Description
$("*") All of the elements are selected
$(this) The current HTML element is chosen.
$("p.intro") All p elements with the class="intro" are selected.
$("p:first") The first p element are Selected
$("ul li:first") The first li element of the first ul are Selected
$("ul li:first-child") The first li element of every ul are Selected
$("[href]") All elements with an href attribute are Selected
$("a[target='_blank']") All a elements with a target attribute value equal to "_blank" are Selected
$("a[target!='_blank']") All a elements with a target attribute value NOT equal to "_blank" are Selected
$(":button") All button elements and input elements of type="button" are Selected
$("tr:even") All even tr elements are Selected
$("tr:odd") All odd tr elements are Selected


What are jQuery selectors?

jQuery selectors are functions or patterns that allow you to select and manipulate HTML elements in a document. They are used to target specific elements based on their attributes, classes, IDs, types, and other characteristics.

What is the basic syntax of a jQuery selector?

The basic syntax of a jQuery selector is to use the dollar sign ($) followed by the parentheses and a string containing the selector expression. For example:


How would you select all <p> elements using jQuery?

You can select all <p> elements using the $('p') selector. This will return a jQuery object containing all the <p> elements in the document.

What does the $('#elementID') selector do?

The $('#elementID') selector is used to select an element with a specific ID attribute. It selects a single element because IDs are unique within a document. For example, $('#myDiv') will select the element with the ID myDiv.

How can you select elements with a specific class using jQuery?

To select elements with a specific class, you can use the $('.className') selector. This will select all elements that have the specified class. For instance, $('.highlight') will select all elements with the class highlight.

What is the difference between the $('parent descendant') selector and the $('parent > child') selector?

The $('parent descendant') selector selects all descendants of the parent element, regardless of their depth. On the other hand, the $('parent > child') selector selects only the immediate children of the parent element. The > symbol indicates a direct child relationship.

How can you select elements based on their attributes using jQuery?

You can use attribute-based selectors in jQuery to select elements based on their attributes. For example, [attribute=value] selects elements where the attribute matches the given value. For instance, $('input[type="text"]') selects all <input> elements with the attribute type set to "text".

What is the purpose of the :first selector?

The :first selector is used to select the first element that matches the preceding selector. For example, $('p:first') will select the first <p> element in the document.

How do you combine multiple selectors in jQuery?

You can combine multiple selectors using a comma ,. This allows you to select elements that match any of the specified selectors. For example, $('p, .highlight') selects all <p> elements and all elements with the class highlight.

What does the :last selector do?

The :last selector is used to select the last element that matches the preceding selector. For instance, $('ul li:last') selects the last <li> element within a <ul> list.

How can you select even or odd elements using jQuery?

You can use the :even and :odd selectors to select even and odd elements, respectively. For example, $('tr:even') selects all even rows in a table.

What is the purpose of the :not(selector) selector?

The :not(selector) selector allows you to exclude elements that match the specified selector. For instance, $('li:not(.special)') selects all <li> elements except those with the class special.

How do you select elements with a specific attribute that contains a certain value using jQuery?

You can use the attribute contains selector [attribute*=value] to select elements where the specified attribute contains the given value. For example, $('a[href*="example.com"]') selects all <a> elements with an href attribute containing "example.com".

What does the :empty selector target?

The :empty selector targets elements that do not have any child elements or text content. For instance, $('div:empty') selects all empty <div> elements.

How can you select elements based on their position in a set using jQuery?

You can use the :eq(index) selector to select elements based on their position in a set. The index is zero-based. For example, $('ul li:eq(2)') selects the third <li> element in a list.

What is the purpose of the :has(selector) selector?

The :has(selector) selector allows you to select elements that contain at least one element matching the specified selector. For example, $('div:has(p)') selects all <div> elements that contain at least one <p> element.

How do you select elements based on their visibility using jQuery?

You can use the :visible and :hidden selectors to select elements based on their visibility. For instance, $('div:visible') selects all visible <div> elements.

What does the :parent selector target?

The :parent selector targets elements that have at least one child element or text content. For example, $('div:parent') selects all <div> elements that have content inside them.


The vast array of jQuery selectors and techniques, encompassing jQuery Element Selection, HTML Element Targeting, and more, form an essential toolkit for web developers. They empower developers to achieve Dynamic Element Manipulation with ease, ensuring the creation of highly responsive and interactive web applications.

The Efficient Element Filtering and DOM Element Selection streamline the process of selecting and modifying HTML elements, fostering an environment of efficiency and precision in web development.

Furthermore, these selectors enable Element-Specific Operations, offering developers the tools they need to tailor the behavior of individual elements. This simplifies Simplified DOM Interaction, which, in turn, extends to Element Filtering Techniques, enriching the developer's capabilities.

From Selecting and Modifying HTML Elements to the power of Element Attribute Targeting, these techniques enhance web development.

With Advanced Element Traversal, developers can navigate the complexities of the Document Object Model with ease, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience. This, in essence, is the foundation for Web Document Manipulation with jQuery Selectors, creating web applications that are efficient, interactive, and user-friendly.