jQuery Show and Hide Effects

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using jQuery to reveal and conceal HTML elements.

jQuery show() and hide() Methods

The show() method is employed to showing (render visible) an HTML element at runtime. On the other hand, the hide() method serves the purpose of hiding (rendering invisible) an HTML element during runtime. You have the capability to show or hide HTML elements by using the jQuery show() and hide() methods.

The hide() method functions by applying the inline style display: none to the chosen elements. Conversely, the show() method reverts the display properties of the selected set of elements back to their original state, which is usually block, inline, or inline-block, prior to the application of the inline style display: none. Here is an example:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Hide displayed paragraphs
    $(".hide-btn").click(function () {

    // Show hidden paragraphs
    $(".show-btn").click(function () {

jQuery show() and hide() Methods with Speed Duration

For the jQuery show and hide effects, you have the option to set a duration (referred to as speed). This permits you to animate the transitions over a defined time period.

You can express durations in various ways: by utilizing the predefined strings slow or fast, or by specifying milliseconds for finer control. Larger values correspond to slower animations.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Hide displayed paragraphs with different speeds
    $(".hide-btn").click(function () {

    // Show hidden paragraphs with different speeds
    $(".show-btn").click(function () {

Note: The term fast translates to a duration of 200 milliseconds, while slow corresponds to a duration of 600 milliseconds.

jQuery show() and hide() Methods with Callback Functions

Furthermore, it's possible to define a callback function that will execute upon completion of the show() or hide() functions. Further insights into callback functions will be explored in subsequent sections.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Display alert message after hiding paragraphs
    $(".hide-btn").click(function () {
        $("p").hide("slow", function () {
            // Code to be executed
            alert("The hide effect is completed.");

    // Display alert message after showing paragraphs
    $(".show-btn").click(function () {
        $("p").show("slow", function () {
            // Code to be executed
            alert("The show effect is completed.");
  • Element Visibility Control: jQuery's show() and hide() functions allow you to control the visibility of HTML elements on a web page.
  • Smooth Transitions: These functions provide smooth and animated transitions when elements are shown or hidden, enhancing the user experience.
  • Customizable Speed: You can customize the speed of the animation by specifying a duration in milliseconds as an argument, controlling how fast the element appears or disappears.
  • Callback Functions: Both show() and hide() functions can take a callback function as an argument, allowing you to execute code after the animation completes.
  • Chaining: jQuery allows for method chaining, so you can chain multiple show/hide operations together for more complex effects in a concise manner.
  • Toggle Effect: The toggle() function toggles an element's visibility. If it's hidden, it will be shown; if it's visible, it will be hidden, making it useful for creating toggles.
  • Easing Effects: You can apply various easing effects like 'swing' or 'linear' to control the acceleration and deceleration of the animations, providing a more natural feel.
  • CSS Properties: When elements are hidden, they are set to display: none, and when shown, they revert to their previous CSS display property value, ensuring compatibility with various layout styles.
  • Flexible Selectors: You can use powerful selectors to target specific elements, making it easy to show/hide specific content in response to user interactions.
  • Responsive Web Design: Show and hide effects are often used in responsive design to adapt content visibility for different screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience across devices.

jQuery toggle() Method

The jQuery toggle() method alters the visibility of elements in a manner where if the element is initially visible, it will become hidden, and if it is hidden, it will become visible. In essence, it toggles the visibility state of the element.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Toggles paragraphs display
    $(".toggle-btn").click(function () {

In a manner similar to the show() and hide() methods, you can use the duration parameter for the toggle() function to introduce animation effects.

$(document).ready(function () {
// Toggles paragraphs with different speeds
$(".toggle-btn").click(function () {

Likewise, the toggle() function also accommodates a callback function that can be specified.

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Display alert message after toggling paragraphs
    $(".toggle-btn").click(function () {
        $("p").toggle(1000, function () {
            // Code to be executed
            alert("The toggle effect is completed.");


What is the purpose of jQuery's show() and hide() methods?

The show() and hide() methods in jQuery are used to manipulate the visibility of elements on a web page. They allow you to smoothly show or hide HTML elements with animated effects, providing a more engaging user experience.

How does the show() method work in jQuery?

The show() method in jQuery is used to make an element visible by gradually increasing its opacity and adjusting its dimensions. It can accept parameters to control the duration and type of animation used during the transition. For example:

$("#element").show(); // Shows the element with default animation
$("#element").show(1000); // Shows the element with a 1000ms (1 second) animation
$("#element").show("slow"); // Shows the element with a slower animation

How does the hide() method work in jQuery?

The hide() method in jQuery is used to hide an element by gradually reducing its opacity and adjusting its dimensions. Like the show() method, it can also accept parameters for animation duration and type. For example:

$("#element").hide(); // Hides the element with default animation
$("#element").hide(500); // Hides the element with a 500ms animation
$("#element").hide("fast"); // Hides the element with a faster animation

Can I chain other jQuery methods with show() and hide()?

Yes, you can chain other jQuery methods along with show() and hide(). This is often used to create more complex animations or to perform additional actions after the show/hide animation is complete. For example:


How can I use callbacks with show() and hide()?

Callback functions can be provided as arguments to the show() and hide() methods. These callbacks will be executed once the animation is complete. This can be useful for performing tasks after an element is shown or hidden. Here's an example:

$("#element").show(500, function() {
    // This function will be executed after the show animation is complete
    console.log("Element is now visible");

Are there other methods related to showing and hiding elements in jQuery?

Yes, jQuery provides additional methods for controlling visibility and animations, such as fadeIn(), fadeOut(), slideDown(), and slideUp(). These methods offer more specialized animations for specific use cases. For example, fadeIn() gradually increases the opacity, giving a fading-in effect.

How can I combine show() and hide() to toggle elements?

You can use the toggle() method in jQuery to alternate between showing and hiding an element each time it's clicked. This provides a simple way to create toggle functionality. Here's an example:

$("#toggleButton").click(function() {

In this example, each click on the "toggleButton" will alternate the visibility of the "targetElement".

How can I customize the animation when using the show() and hide() methods?

You can use the optional second parameter of the show() and hide() methods to specify an animation effect. This effect can be a string representing the easing type ("swing" or "linear"), or you can pass in a custom easing function. For example:

$("#element").show("slow", "easeOutBounce");
$("#element").hide(1000, customEasingFunction);

What is the purpose of jQuery's show() method?

jQuery's show() method is used to display hidden elements on a web page with a smooth animation. It gradually increases the element's opacity and adjusts its dimensions to make it visible, providing a visually appealing effect.

How does the basic syntax of the show() method look?

The basic syntax of the show() method is as follows:

$(selector).show(speed, easing, callback);
  • selector: Specifies the element(s) you want to show.
  • speed: Optional parameter that determines the duration of the animation in milliseconds (e.g., 500 for half a second).
  • easing: Optional parameter that defines the animation's easing function (e.g., "swing" or "linear").
  • callback: Optional function that is executed after the animation is complete.

What's the purpose of the callback function in the show() method?

The callback function in the show() method is executed once the animation is complete. It's useful for performing additional actions or triggering events after the element is fully displayed. Here's an example:

$("#elementID").show(800, function() {
    console.log("Element is now visible!");

The message "Element is now visible!" will be logged to the console after the animation finishes.

What happens if the element is already visible and I use the show() method on it?

If the element is already visible, applying the show() method won't have any effect. The method will simply be ignored, and the element will remain visible.

Is there a way to use the show() method without animation?

Yes, you can use the show() method without animation by omitting the speed parameter or passing in a value of 0:

$("#elementID").show(0); // Show without animation

This will make the element instantly visible without any animation effect.

Can I apply the show() method to multiple elements simultaneously?

Yes, you can apply the show() method to multiple elements by using a common class or selecting multiple IDs. Here's an example:

$(".hidden-elements").show(500); // Show all elements with the class 'hidden-elements'
$("#element1, #element2").show(300); // Show multiple elements with specific IDs

What should I consider when using the show() method with inline elements like <span>?

When using the show() method on inline elements, the animation may not work as expected since inline elements don't have dimensions that can be animated like block-level elements. You might need to wrap the inline element with a block-level container to achieve the desired effect.

How does the show() method handle hidden parent elements?

If a parent element of the element you're trying to show is hidden, the show() method won't function as expected because it depends on the parent's dimensions to perform the animation. Ensure that all parent elements leading up to the target element are visible.

What's the purpose of jQuery's hide() method?

jQuery's hide() method is used to smoothly hide elements on a web page by gradually reducing their opacity and adjusting their dimensions. This creates a fading or shrinking effect that enhances the user experience when an element is hidden.

Could you provide the basic syntax of the hide() method?

Certainly! The basic syntax of the hide() method looks like this:

$(selector).hide(speed, easing, callback);
  • selector: Specifies the element(s) you want to hide.
  • speed: Optional parameter to control the duration of the animation in milliseconds (e.g., 500 for half a second).
  • easing: Optional parameter to define the animation's easing function (e.g., "swing" or "linear").
  • callback: Optional function to be executed after the animation is complete.

What's the purpose of the callback function in the hide() method?

The callback function in the hide() method is executed after the animation is complete. It's useful for performing additional actions or triggering events after the element is fully hidden. Here's an example:

$("#elementID").hide(300, function() {
    console.log("Element is now hidden!");

In this example, the message "Element is now hidden!" will be logged to the console after the animation finishes.

What happens if the element is already hidden and I use the hide() method on it?

If the element is already hidden, applying the hide() method won't have any effect. The method will be ignored, and the element will remain hidden.

Is there a way to use the hide() method without animation?

Yes, you can use the hide() method without animation by omitting the speed parameter or passing in a value of 0:

$("#elementID").hide(0); // Hide without animation

This will instantly hide the element without any animation effect.

How does the hide() method handle elements with display: none in CSS?

The hide() method handles elements with display: none by animating the element's opacity and height, gradually making it disappear. During the animation, the display property is set to its default value (block for most elements) to ensure the animation works as expected.

Can I use the hide() method on multiple elements simultaneously?

Yes, you can apply the hide() method to multiple elements at once by using a shared class or selecting multiple IDs. For example:

$(".hideable-elements").hide(500); // Hide all elements with the class 'hideable-elements'
$("#element1, #element2").hide(300); // Hide multiple elements with specific IDs

What's the purpose of jQuery's toggle() method?

jQuery's toggle() method is used to alternately show and hide elements on a web page. It's a convenient way to create toggle functionality where clicking a button or element makes another element appear and disappear in an alternating fashion.

Could you provide the basic syntax of the toggle() method?

Certainly! The basic syntax of the toggle() method looks like this:

$(selector).toggle(speed, easing, callback);
  • selector: Specifies the element(s) you want to toggle.
  • speed: Optional parameter to control the duration of the animation in milliseconds (e.g., 500 for half a second).
  • easing: Optional parameter to define the animation's easing function (e.g., "swing" or "linear").
  • callback: Optional function to be executed after the animation is complete.

How can I use the toggle() method to show and hide an element with the default animation?

You can use the toggle() method with a simple selector to show and hide an element with the default animation:


This code will alternately show and hide the element using the default animation.

Can you demonstrate how to use the toggle() method with a specific animation speed?

Certainly! Here's an example of using the toggle() method with a custom animation speed:

$("#elementID").toggle(800); // Toggle with an 800ms animation

This code will alternate showing and hiding the element over a duration of 800 milliseconds.

What's the purpose of the callback function in the toggle() method?

The callback function in the toggle() method is executed after the animation is complete. It's useful for performing additional actions or triggering events after the element is fully toggled. Here's an example:

$("#elementID").toggle(300, function() {
    console.log("Element toggled!");

In this example, the message "Element toggled!" will be logged to the console after each toggle.

How does the toggle() method work with initially hidden elements?

If an element is initially hidden (with display: none), the toggle() method will start by showing it. Subsequent clicks will then toggle between showing and hiding. In other words, the first click reveals the element, and subsequent clicks toggle its visibility.


jQuery Display Transitions offer a robust set of tools for achieving interactive and engaging user interfaces. These transitions are instrumental in controlling element showing and hiding, allowing web developers to create dynamic content presentation that enhances the user experience. With show and hide animations, jQuery provides the means to toggle visibility smoothly and dynamically, bringing life to web elements. The toggle visibility effects enable users to reveal or conceal content with ease, adding a layer of interactivity and depth to web design.

The concept of toggle show/hide empowers developers to create responsive and intuitive interfaces that adapt to user actions. Reveal and conceal effects add a touch of sophistication to web applications, making elements appear and disappear seamlessly, contributing to a polished user experience. By incorporating responsive jQuery show/hide effects, developers can ensure their interfaces function optimally across various screen sizes and devices. The ability to fine-tune hide/show transitions and manipulate show/hide animations allows for complete control over the visual display of web elements.

Moreover, the dynamic element visibility features in jQuery enable developers to adjust visibility CSS and toggle display properties with precision. This not only enhances the user experience but also provides a toolset for creating modern, interactive, and user-friendly web interfaces. jQuery Display Transitions serve as an invaluable resource for web developers, offering the flexibility to reveal or conceal elements with grace and interactivity. The combination of responsiveness, animation control, and dynamic visibility adjustment makes jQuery a powerful tool for crafting engaging and user-centric web applications and websites.