How to Use HTML5 Drag and Drop Feature with Text and Image Elements

This article will teach you how to make use of the drag and drop functionality of HTML5.

Drag and Drop an Element

The HTML5 drag and drop functionality enables users to drag and drop elements to different locations, including other applications. When an element is being dragged, a translucent representation of the element follows the mouse pointer.

The draggable attribute is an HTML5 attribute that can be applied to elements to make them draggable, allowing users to move them or perform drag-and-drop operations. This attribute is especially useful for creating interactive user interfaces and enhancing the overall user experience on web pages. When the draggable attribute is applied to an element, it can have one of two values:

  • draggable=true: This value indicates that the element is draggable, and users can initiate drag operations on it.
  • draggable=false: This value indicates that the element is not draggable, and users cannot initiate drag operations on it.

To illustrate how this feature works, let's explore the following example:

    function dragStart(e) {
        // Sets the operation allowed for a drag source
        e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move";

        // Sets the value and type of the dragged data
    function dragOver(e) {
        // Prevent the browser default handling of the data
    function drop(e) {
        // Cancel this event for everyone else

        // Retrieve the dragged data by type
        var data = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text");

        // Append image to the drop box;
    <h2>Drag and Drop</h2>
    <p>Drag and drop the image into a drop box:</p>
    <div id="dropBox" ondragover="dragOver(event);" ondrop="drop(event);">
        <!--Dropped image will be inserted here-->

<img id="dragA" draggable="true" ondragstart="dragStart(event);" src="image-tree2.png" 
    width="100" height="100" alt="sample image"/>
    <h1 id="dragB" draggable="true" ondragstart="dragStart(event);">Also drag me</h1>


Tip: You can make an element draggable by setting the draggable attribute to true, such as draggable="true". However, in most web browsers, text selections, images, and anchor elements with an href attribute are draggable by default.

Javascript Code Explained:


  • This function is triggered when the drag operation starts on a draggable element.
  • e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed is set to "move" to indicate that the dragged element can be moved.
  • e.dataTransfer.setData("Text", getAttribute("id")) sets the value and type of the dragged data. In this example, it uses the element's ID as the data to be transferred.


  • This function is triggered when a draggable element is being dragged over a drop zone.
  • e.preventDefault() prevents the default handling of the data, allowing the element to be dropped in the drop zone.


  • This function is triggered when the dragged element is dropped onto a drop zone.
  • e.stopPropagation() and e.preventDefault() prevent the browser's default handling of the drop event, ensuring it does not interfere with custom drop behavior.
  • var data = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text") retrieves the dragged data by type. In this example, it gets the element's ID that was set during dragStart.
  • appendChild(document.getElementById(data)) appends the dragged element to the drop zone (

Drag and drop functionality in web development enables seamless user interactions by effortlessly moving and rearranging HTML elements. It provides a user-friendly way to manipulate and organize content within web applications. Drag and drop events offer precise control over interactive elements, ensuring desired behavior. Object movement allows easy repositioning and improves usability.

Cross-browser support ensures consistency across platforms. Enabling drag and drop file upload simplifies the process, enhancing the user experience. Responsive design adapts drag and drop to different devices. File upload with drag and drop is convenient for users, streamlining the uploading process.

Drag and Drop Events

During the different stages of a drag and drop operation, several events are triggered. However, it's important to note that certain mouse events, like mousemove, are not fired while a drag operation is in progress.

The table below offers a concise summary of all the drag and drop events:

Event Description
ondragstart Triggered when the user starts dragging an element.
ondragenter Occurs when the dragged element enters a valid drop target.
ondragover Fired continuously when the dragged element is being dragged over a valid drop target.
ondragleave Triggered when the dragged element leaves a valid drop target.
ondrag Fires when the user drags an element anywhere; fires constantly but can give X and Y coordinates of the mouse cursor.
ondrop Triggered when the user releases the dragged element on a valid drop target.
ondragend Occurs when the dragging operation is completed, regardless of success. This event is not fired when dragging a file to the browser from the desktop.

Note: Please note that the availability and behavior of these events may vary across different web browsers and platforms.

These events allow developers to handle various stages of drag and drop interactions, such as initializing the drag operation, updating visuals during dragging, managing valid drop targets, processing dropped data, and finalizing the drag operation.

HTML drag and drop events, including drag start, drag leave, drag enter, drag over, and drag end, are essential for handling interactive element movements in web development. These events allow developers to customize the behavior and optimize performance, resulting in a seamless user experience. By implementing drag and drop events in HTML, developers can create dynamic and interactive web applications that enhance user engagement and usability.

Customizing drag and drop behavior with HTML events provides fine-grained control over visual feedback, drop zones, and other aspects, contributing to an intuitive and user-friendly interface. To ensure optimal performance, it is crucial to optimize HTML drag and drop functionality by minimizing unnecessary computations and ensuring smooth and responsive interactions.


What is the drag and drop feature in HTML5?

The drag and drop feature in HTML5 allows users to interact with web content by dragging elements from one location and dropping them onto another location. It provides a way to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for tasks such as rearranging items, sorting lists, uploading files, and more.

How do you enable drag and drop functionality in HTML5?

To enable drag and drop functionality in HTML5, you can use the Drag and Drop API provided by HTML5. This API consists of specific attributes, events, and methods that allow you to make elements draggable and define drop targets for accepting the dragged elements.

What are the essential events associated with drag and drop in HTML5?

The essential events associated with drag and drop in HTML5 include dragstart, drag, dragenter, dragover, dragleave, and drop. These events are triggered during different stages of a drag and drop operation, allowing you to perform actions and handle behavior accordingly.

How do you make an HTML element draggable using the draggable attribute?

To make an HTML element draggable, you can add the draggable="true" attribute to the element. This attribute enables the element to be dragged by the user.

How do you define a drop target for draggable elements in HTML5?

To define a drop target for draggable elements, you can add event listeners to the potential drop target elements and handle the dragenter, dragover, and drop events. These events allow you to specify how the drop target should react when a draggable element is being dragged over it or dropped onto it.

What are the common use cases for drag and drop in web applications?

Some common use cases for drag and drop in web applications include creating interactive interfaces for file upload, implementing drag-and-drop sorting or reordering of items, creating drag-and-drop shopping carts, and enabling users to organize or categorize content through drag and drop actions.

How can you customize the appearance of a dragged element during a drag operation?

You can customize the appearance of a dragged element during a drag operation using CSS. By applying styles to the element using CSS selectors such as :hover or :active or by dynamically modifying the element's CSS properties using JavaScript, you can change its appearance to indicate the drag state.

How do you handle events during a drag and drop operation in HTML5?

You can handle events during a drag and drop operation by attaching event listeners to the relevant elements and responding to the different drag-related events such as dragstart, dragenter, dragover, dragleave, and drop. These events provide hooks for executing custom logic or updating the UI based on the state of the drag and drop operation.

Can you transfer data between draggable and drop target elements during a drag and drop operation?

Yes, you can transfer data between draggable and drop target elements during a drag and drop operation using the DataTransfer object. The DataTransfer object allows you to store and retrieve data associated with the dragged element, which can be accessed when the element is dropped onto a drop target.

Are there any browser limitations or compatibility issues with drag and drop in HTML5?

While drag and drop functionality is supported in modern browsers, there may be some variations in the way different browsers handle specific features or events related to drag and drop. It's important to test and ensure cross-browser compatibility when implementing drag and drop functionality in HTML5.


HTML drag and drop functionality provides a powerful tool for creating interactive and intuitive web applications. By utilizing drag and drop events such as drag start, drag leave, drag enter, drag over, and drag end, developers can customize the behavior and optimize the performance of drag and drop interactions. These events allow for precise control over element movements, enhanced user engagement, and seamless user experiences. By understanding and leveraging the event list, developers can create dynamic and responsive interfaces that empower users to effortlessly move and rearrange HTML elements, improving usability and interactivity on the web.