How to Add or Embed Javascript Code to HTML Pages

We will discover how to include JavaScript into a Html page in this article.

Working with Client-side Script

Client-side scripting refers to the execution of computer programs within the user's web browser, and the most widely used language for this purpose is JavaScript (JS).

To incorporate JavaScript into an HTML document and enhance web pages with interactivity, the <script> element is utilized. It allows for the embedding or referencing of JavaScript code, contributing to an improved user experience.

JavaScript finds extensive application in various areas, including form validation, generating alert messages, creating image galleries, toggling content visibility, manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM), and numerous other functionalities.

Adding JavaScript to HTML Pages

JavaScript can be incorporated into web pages either by directly embedding it within the HTML page or by placing it in an external script file and then referencing that file within the HTML page. In both cases, the <script> element is utilized to include and execute the JavaScript code.

Embedding JavaScript

You can embed JavaScript code directly within the HTML document using the <script> tag with the code enclosed between opening and closing script tags. It is placed directly inside the HTML content and executes at the location where it is written. For example:

        document.getElementById("greet").innerHTML = "Happy morning...";

Tip: It is advisable to place script elements towards the end of the page, just before the closing body tag (</body>), as this allows the browser to continue rendering the page without interruption. By doing so, potential impacts on site performance caused by script parsing delays can be minimized.

By embedding JavaScript within the HTML script tag, you can include inline JavaScript code directly within your HTML file, enhancing webpages with interactivity and functionality. This approach allows for the execution of JavaScript code directly in the HTML document, enabling the seamless integration of JavaScript code with HTML elements.

Calling External JavaScript File

An alternative approach is to place your JavaScript code in a separate file, typically with a .js extension, and then reference that file within your HTML document using the src attribute of the <script> tag.

This method proves beneficial when you want the same script to be accessible across multiple documents. By doing so, you avoid the need for repetitive code and simplify the maintenance of your website.

The following example illustrates the process of linking an external JS file in an HTML document.

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Linking External JavaScript</title>
    <div id="greet"></div>
    <script src="sample.js"></script>

Note: Please take note that when the src attribute is used, the <script> element should not contain any code. This implies that you cannot use the same <script> element to both embed JavaScript code and link to an external JavaScript file within an HTML document.

Tip: Additionally, keep in mind that JavaScript files have a .js extension, such as "hello.js". These files are plain text files that solely consist of JavaScript statements. They do not include the <script>...</script> element like embedded JavaScript within HTML.

By utilizing the HTML script tag with the src attribute, you can call an external JavaScript file, linking it to your HTML document and including the desired JavaScript functionality seamlessly. This approach allows for modularization and easier maintenance, as you can keep the JavaScript code in separate files, promoting code reusability and enhancing the overall structure of your web project.

The HTML noscript Element

The <noscript> element serves as a means to present alternative content to users who have either disabled JavaScript in their browser or are utilizing a browser that does not support client-side scripting.

Within the <noscript> element, you can include any HTML elements, excluding <script> tags, that would typically be found within the <body> element of a regular HTML page. Here's an example to illustrate its usage:

     document.getElementById("").innerHTML = "Happy moring";
        <p>Javascript does not support</p>

Note: It's important to note that the content enclosed within the <noscript> element will solely be visible to user's browser doesn't support scripting, or scripting is disabled in the browser. In such cases, the content within the <noscript> element will be displayed as an alternative to the JavaScript-dependent content.

The HTML noscript tag serves as a means to provide alternative content for users who do not have JavaScript enabled, thereby enhancing accessibility and ensuring that content is displayed even for non-JavaScript users who rely on browsers without scripting capabilities.


What is the purpose of the <script> tag in HTML?

The <script> tag is used to include or define JavaScript code within an HTML document. It allows you to add interactivity, dynamic behavior, and functionality to web pages.

How do you include an external JavaScript file using the <script> tag?

To include an external JavaScript file, you can use the <script> tag with the src attribute. Set the src attribute to the URL or file path of the external JavaScript file, and the browser will fetch and execute the JavaScript code from that file.

Can you write inline JavaScript code directly within the <script> tag?

Yes, you can write inline JavaScript code directly within the <script> tag. Instead of using the src attribute, you can place the JavaScript code directly between the opening and closing <script> tags. This allows you to write and execute JavaScript code directly within the HTML document.

What is the difference between placing the <script> tag in the <head> section or at the end of the <body> section?

Placing the <script> tag in the <head> section means that the JavaScript code will be loaded and executed before the HTML content is rendered. Placing the <script> tag at the end of the <body> section ensures that the HTML content is fully rendered before loading and executing the JavaScript code. This can improve page load performance and prevent blocking of HTML rendering.

How do you specify the source of the JavaScript file using the <script> tag?

To specify the source of the JavaScript file, you use the src attribute within the <script> tag. Set the src attribute to the URL or file path of the JavaScript file you want to include.

How can you include JavaScript code from an external URL using the <script> tag?

To include JavaScript code from an external URL, you can use the <script> tag with the src attribute set to the URL of the JavaScript file. The browser will fetch the JavaScript code from the specified URL and execute it.

What is the purpose of the type attribute within the <script> tag?

The type attribute within the <script> tag specifies the MIME type of the script. For JavaScript, the type attribute is usually set to "text/javascript". However, the type attribute is not required in modern HTML5 documents, as JavaScript is the default scripting language.

How do you handle JavaScript errors and exceptions within the <script> tag?

To handle JavaScript errors and exceptions, you can use error handling techniques such as try-catch statements or global error event handlers within the JavaScript code itself. The <script> tag allows you to define error handling logic directly within the JavaScript code.

Can you use the <script> tag for other types of scripts, such as server-side scripting or embedded code?

The <script> tag is primarily used for client-side JavaScript code. It is not intended for server-side scripting or embedding other types ofcode. For server-side scripting, you would typically use server-side technologies and languages such as PHP, Python, or Node.js. For embedding other types of code, such as CSS or HTML snippets, you would use appropriate tags or elements specific to those languages, such as <style> for CSS or <div> for HTML.


The HTML Script Tag is a small piece of program that can add interactivity to your website. It is used to specify client-side script such as JavaScript. The Script component, next/script, allows you to optimally load third-party scripts anywhere in your Next. js application. The <script> element is used to embed script or reference to an executable script within an HTML document.

When working with HTML, styles, and scripts, it is important to separate files in different folders and get an API key.