HTML Layout Comparision: Table, DIV, and HTML5 Structural Elements

We can study the various approaches to designing a new website layout in this course.

Creating Website Layouts

Website layout creation involves arranging various elements of a web page in a structured manner to achieve an attractive appearance for the website. On the internet, it's common to encounter websites that present their content in multiple rows and columns, resembling the layout of a magazine or newspaper. This layout enhances the user's reading and writing experience.

Achieving such layouts is straightforward by leveraging HTML tags like <table>, <div>, <header>, <footer>, <section>, among others, and complementing them with CSS styles. These HTML tags play a crucial role in structuring and organizing the content, while CSS styles add visual appeal and improve the overall presentation.

HTML Table Based Layout

Table-based layouts were once popular but have fallen out of favor due to their lack of flexibility and accessibility issues. Although tables can still be used for tabular data, they are not suitable for overall page layout. Using tables for layout creates rigid structures that do not adapt well to different devices, making them less responsive and harder to maintain.

The layout is designed using an HTML table that comprises three rows and two columns. The first and last rows stretch across both columns, achieved by utilizing the colspan attribute of the table.

<table style="width:100%; border-collapse:collapse; font:14px Arial,sans-serif;">
            <td colspan="2" style="padding:15px 25px; background-color:skyblue;">
                <h1 style="font-size:30px;">simmanchith Tutorial</h1>
        <tr style="height:100px;">
            <td style="width:25%; padding:20px; background-color:purple; vertical-align: top;">
                <ul style="list-style:none; padding:0px; line-height:24px;">
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:blue;">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:red;">About</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:yellow;">Contact</a></li>
            <td style="padding:20px; background-color:#f2f2f2; vertical-align:top;">
                <h2>Welcome to simmanchith website</h2>
                <p>How to create websites.....</p>
            <td colspan="2" style="padding:5px; background-color:skyblue; text-align:center;">
                <p>© 2012 Sri Sivam Technologies. All rights reserved. </p>

Warring: While the method used to create the layout in the above example is technically valid, it is not recommended for modern web development practices. It is advised to steer clear of using tables and inline styles for layout purposes. Creating layouts with tables can lead to slow rendering, and it's best to reserve tables solely for displaying tabular data.

HTML Div Based Layout

The use of <div> elements is the prevailing and widely adopted approach for crafting layouts in HTML. The <div> element, short for division, serves as a fundamental building block for delineating content blocks or sets of other elements within an HTML document. It allows nesting other <div> elements if necessary. It offers flexibility and control over positioning and styling elements. By using CSS, developers can create complex and responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes.

The following example displays the utilization of <div> elements to create a multi-column layout, yielding an outcome to the previous example that relied on the table element.

<div class="container">
        <div class="header">
  <h1 style="font-size:30px;">simmanchith Tutorial</h1>
        <div class="wrapper clearfix">
            <div class="nav">
                <ul style="list-style:none; padding:0px; line-height:24px;">
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:blue;">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:red;">About</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:yellow;">Contact</a></li>
            <div class="section">
                 <h2>Welcome to simmanchith website</h2>
                <p>How to create websites.....</p>
        <div class="footer">
           <p>© 2012 Sri Sivam Technologies. All rights reserved.</p>

The layout presented here was achieved using CSS float techniques, a widely supported method in most web browsers. However, for even more modern and adaptable layouts, consider utilizing CSS3 flexbox.

Tip: For improved web page layouts, employing <div> elements in conjunction with CSS can be highly beneficial. By editing a single CSS file, you can alter the layout of all your website pages effortlessly.

Using the HTML5 Structural Elements

With the introduction of HTML5, web developers gained a set of semantic and structural elements that revolutionized layout design. Elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>, and more provided clear and meaningful tags to describe the page's structure. This approach improves accessibility, SEO, and code readability.

By combining CSS and HTML5 structural elements, developers can create responsive and clean layouts that adapt seamlessly to different devices. HTML5-based layouts are more future-proof and ensure better maintainability and code organization. Here is an example:

<div class="container">
          <h1 style="font-size:30px;">simmanchith Tutorial</h1>
        <div class="wrapper clearfix">
                     <li><a href="#" style="color:blue;">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:red;">About</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#" style="color:yellow;">Contact</a></li>
                 <h2>Welcome to simmanchith website</h2>
                <p>How to create websites.....</p>
   <p>© 2012 Sri Sivam Technologies. All rights reserved.</p>

Choosing the Right Layout

Choosing the right layout method depends on the specific needs of your web project. For simple and straightforward designs, the div-based layout may suffice, provided it's used thoughtfully.

However, for more complex and modern web pages, the HTML5 structural elements-based layout is the recommended choice. It offers enhanced accessibility, SEO benefits, and greater flexibility in creating responsive and future-proof designs.

As for table-based layouts, they should be reserved solely for displaying tabular data, avoiding their use for overall page layout.


What is the purpose of using a <div> layout in HTML?

The <div> layout is used to create flexible and customizable sections or containers in HTML, allowing developers to structure and organize content on a webpage.

How can I create a basic <div> layout in HTML?

To create a basic <div> layout, you can use the <div> element with appropriate classes or IDs and apply CSS styles to control the positioning, size, and appearance of the <div> containers.

What are the advantages of using a <div> layout in HTML?

Some advantages of using a <div> layout include its flexibility, as it allows for easy reordering and repositioning of content, the ability to create complex and responsive layouts, and the separation of content from presentation using CSS.

What is the purpose of using a table layout in HTML?

The table layout in HTML is used to create structured grids of rows and columns, typically used for displaying tabular data or creating more structured layouts when necessary.

How can I create a basic table layout in HTML?

To create a basic table layout, you can use the <table> element along with the appropriate child elements such as <tr> (table rows), <th> (table headers), and <td> (table cells) to define the structure and content of the table.

When should I use a table layout in HTML?

Table layouts are best suited for displaying tabular data, such as financial data, schedules, or other information where data needs to be presented in a structured grid format. It is generally not recommended to use table layouts for page layout purposes.

What are some considerations for using a table layout in HTML?

When using a table layout, it is important to ensure that the table structure is semantically correct, using appropriate header cells (<th>) and data cells (<td>), and to avoid using tables for purely presentational purposes, as this can hinder accessibility and maintainability.

What are the advantages of using a table layout in HTML?

Some advantages of using a table layout include its ability to handle complex tabular data structures, provide alignment and visual consistency, and offer built-in features for sorting and grouping data.

What are the disadvantages of using a table layout in HTML?

Table layouts can be less flexible and responsive compared to other layout methods, can lead to more complex markup, and may pose challenges for accessibility when used for non-tabular content or excessive nested tables.

Can I combine <div> and table layouts in HTML?

Yes, it is possible to combine <div> and table layouts in HTML to create more complex and hybrid layouts, depending on the specific requirements of your project. This can provide flexibility and customization options while still leveraging the structural benefits of tables for tabular data.

What is the purpose of the <header> element in HTML5?

The <header> element represents the introductory content of a section or the top portion of a web page. It typically contains a logo, navigation menu, or a heading that identifies the page's main content.

How can the <footer> element be used in HTML5?

The <footer> element represents the footer of a section or the bottom portion of a web page. It commonly includes copyright information, links to related pages, or contact details.

What is the significance of the <main> element in HTML5?

The <main> element represents the main content of an HTML document. It should not include headers, footers, or navigational elements, focusing solely on the primary content.

How is the <nav> element utilized in HTML5?

The <nav> element denotes a navigation menu or links section. It is typically used to group and define a set of navigation links that help users move between different pages or sections of the website.

What is the purpose of the <section> element in HTML5?

The <section> element represents a thematic grouping of content within an HTML document. It helps organize the content into logical sections, making it easier for developers and users to understand the page's structure.

How can the <article> element be used in HTML5?

The <article> element defines a self-contained piece of content that could be distributed and reused independently, such as a blog post, news article, or forum post.

Can HTML5 structural elements be nested within each other?

Yes, HTML5 structural elements can be nested within each other. Proper nesting allows developers to create more organized and meaningful structures, improving the semantics and accessibility of the web page.

What are the benefits of using HTML5 structural elements for SEO?

HTML5 structural elements provide semantic meaning to the content, helping search engines understand the page's hierarchy and relationships between different sections. This can positively impact SEO by improving indexation and potentially boosting search engine rankings.


Web development is a dynamic field with ever-evolving best practices. Embracing the HTML5 structural elements-based layout and utilizing the power of CSS to style and position elements allows for the creation of visually stunning, accessible, and user-friendly web pages. By staying up-to-date with modern design trends and technologies, web developers can ensure their creations remain relevant and engaging for users in the rapidly changing digital landscape.